[Haskell] Summer School on Generic and Effectful Programming
Maciej Pirog
maciej.pirog at cs.ox.ac.uk
Tue May 5 20:39:31 UTC 2015
Call for Participation
St Anne's College, Oxford, 6th to 10th July 2015
Generic programming is a technique that exploits the inherent
structure that exists in data, to automatically produce efficient and
flexible algorithms that can be adapted to suit different needs. The
goal of this school is to explore datatype-generic programming and
related topics from a variety of different angles, emphasizing in
particular the interplay of generics and effects.
This summer school is the closing activity of the EPSRC-funded project
"Unifying Theories of Generic Programming" at Oxford University.
Six lecturers from the Programming Languages community, each an
acknowledged expert in their specialism, will cover various aspects of
generic and effectful programming. Each will give about four hours'
lectures, distributed throughout the week.
Edwin Brady (University of St Andrews)
"Embedded Domain-Specific Languages in Idris"
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
"Worst-case Efficient Generic Functional Programming on Bulk Data"
Andres Löh (Well-Typed)
"Applying Type-level and Generic Programming in Haskell"
Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
"Datatypes of Datatypes"
Don Syme (Microsoft Research)
"Compile-time Meta-programming for the Information-rich World"
Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology)
"Containers for Effects and Contexts"
The school is aimed at doctoral students in programming languages and
related areas; however, researchers and practitioners will be very
welcome, as will strong masters students with the support of a
supervisor. It will be assumed that participants have a good
understanding of typed functional programming, as in Haskell, O'Caml,
or F#.
Registration deadline: 21st June 2015
School: 6th July (9am) to 10th July 2015 (lunchtime)
Costs will be kept low, thanks to support from EPSRC. There will be a
nominal registration fee of £135, and B&B accommodation in college
will be £75 (ensuite) or £48 (shared bathroom) per night. We can
accept at most 50 participants; places will be allocated on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Further information, including instructions on how to register, is
available at the website:
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