[Haskell] ANN: Halcyon and Haskell on Heroku

Miëtek Bak mietek at bak.io
Mon Jan 26 01:25:05 UTC 2015

I’m happy to announce the initial public release of Halcyon, a system for installing Haskell apps and development tools.

Halcyon stands on the shoulders of Cabal, and isn’t intended to replace it.  Instead, consider Halcyon a proof-of-concept implementation of one possible future version of Cabal.

- See the Halcyon examples for a demonstration of advanced Halcyon features.

- Take a look at the Halcyon shootout for a comparison of build times and sizes across most Haskell web frameworks.

- Read the Halcyon tutorial to learn how to develop a simple Haskell web app using Halcyon.

While Halcyon isn’t a deployment system, it’s intended to be used for constructing deployment systems.

I’m doubly happy to also announce Haskell on Heroku, a buildpack for deploying Haskell apps.

- Read the Haskell on Heroku tutorial to learn how to deploy Haskell web apps to Heroku.


Miëtek Bak

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