[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 316

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Thu Feb 5 09:07:07 UTC 2015

After doing more than 150 of these, I have come to the conclusion that

it is time for me to take a permanent break from HWN. I realize that

"we could do better", and have something a bit more edited than a

collection of links, and some quotes. I wish I had more time to devote

to such endeavour, but my time is currently being taken up by trying to

help my 1 year old explore her little world.

We owe Daniel a huge debt of thanks.  HWN is a huge service to the community. I have read many interesting blog posts that I would have never otherwise found.  Thank you!

We really need a successor!  Please, please.


From: Haskell [mailto:haskell-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Santa Cruz
Sent: 05 February 2015 04:22
To: haskell at haskell.org; haskell-cafe at haskell.org
Subject: [Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 316

Welcome to issue 316 of the HWN, an issue covering crowd-sourced bits
of information about Haskell from around the web. This issue covers
from January 18 to 31, 2015

After doing more than 150 of these, I have come to the conclusion that
it is time for me to take a permanent break from HWN. I realize that
"we could do better", and have something a bit more edited than a
collection of links, and some quotes. I wish I had more time to devote
to such endeavor, but my time is currently being taken up by trying to
help my 1 year old explore her little world.

If you'd like to be the one to continue the long tradition of HWN, drop
me a line.

Thanks for following along for the last 3 years!

Quotes of the Week

   * johnw: "Sir, what weapon did the assailant use against you?" "All I
     know is that it was done in IO, officer."

   * monochrom: $ can't buy you love, but it can buy you function

   * hiptobecubic: benzrf, well sure. I'm not suggesting that lens has
     actually left any operators available for anything

Top Reddit Stories

   * I think I've nailed it! I've solved the records problem!
     Domain: nikita-volkov.github.io<http://nikita-volkov.github.io>, Score: 348, Comments: 193
     Original: [1] http://goo.gl/PhJo6K
     On Reddit: [2] http://goo.gl/vWPeOj

   * Use Haskell for shell scripting
     Domain: haskellforall.com<http://haskellforall.com>, Score: 121, Comments: 62
     Original: [3] http://goo.gl/Fx4HeT
     On Reddit: [4] http://goo.gl/2g83KR

   * Major Prelude changes proposed
     Domain: haskell.org<http://haskell.org>, Score: 119, Comments: 252
     Original: [5] http://goo.gl/wtFWt3
     On Reddit: [6] http://goo.gl/kaegj2

   * Slides from Don Stewart's Google tech talk
     Domain: code.haskell.org<http://code.haskell.org>, Score: 104, Comments: 75
     Original: [7] http://goo.gl/ejfoFp
     On Reddit: [8] http://goo.gl/9cK9dB

   * Haskell Design Patterns: .Extended Modules
     Domain: jaspervdj.be<http://jaspervdj.be>, Score: 86, Comments: 29
     Original: [9] http://goo.gl/TvwGCF
     On Reddit: [10] http://goo.gl/wkNx38

   * IO Monad Considered Harmful
     Domain: blog.jle.im<http://blog.jle.im>, Score: 86, Comments: 157
     Original: [11] http://goo.gl/z9Elq7
     On Reddit: [12] http://goo.gl/uehgF9

   * We are making great efforts to spread Haskell around our local
     programming groups. Today, I finally saw a Haskell post, so I'm
     glad it is kinda working. Kinda.
     Domain: i.imgur.com<http://i.imgur.com>, Score: 86, Comments: 41
     Original: [13] http://goo.gl/0SsbT7
     On Reddit: [14] http://goo.gl/gyBJ1o

   * My Haskell tooling wishlist by Chris Done
     Domain: chrisdone.com<http://chrisdone.com>, Score: 77, Comments: 27
     Original: [15] http://goo.gl/VIRJgM
     On Reddit: [16] http://goo.gl/ChmItY

   * Categories for Programmers: Functors
     Domain: bartoszmilewski.com<http://bartoszmilewski.com>, Score: 70, Comments: 14
     Original: [17] http://goo.gl/6M64jC
     On Reddit: [18] http://goo.gl/tW6ubH

   * I wrote another monad tutorial. Sorry.
     Domain: kevinmahoney.co.uk<http://kevinmahoney.co.uk>, Score: 63, Comments: 22
     Original: [19] http://goo.gl/zEQIgS
     On Reddit: [20] http://goo.gl/XXeZN3

   * Introducing SJS, a type inferer and checker for JavaScript
     (written in Haskell)
     Domain: noamlewis.wordpress.com<http://noamlewis.wordpress.com>, Score: 61, Comments: 33
     Original: [21] http://goo.gl/oQRSNo
     On Reddit: [22] http://goo.gl/1LfY1u

   * Solving the expression problem with Object Algebras and
     Tagless Interpreters
     Domain: oleksandrmanzyuk.wordpress.com<http://oleksandrmanzyuk.wordpress.com>, Score: 59, Comments: 30
     Original: [23] http://goo.gl/daJWGy
     On Reddit: [24] http://goo.gl/fKy9zV

Top StackOverflow Questions

   * Why do we need monads?
     votes: 142, answers: 5
     Read on SO: [25] http://goo.gl/Ioviv9

   * Why compiling this Haskell program with -fllvm produces a different result?
     votes: 19, answers: 0
     Read on SO: [26] http://goo.gl/twid2N

   * What is the difference between traits in Rust and typeclasses in Haskell?
     votes: 18, answers: 0
     Read on SO: [27] http://goo.gl/KJdBqh

   * Motivation behind Phantom Types?
     votes: 17, answers: 3
     Read on SO: [28] http://goo.gl/q7IQQC

   * What is the precedence of ~, and why?
     votes: 17, answers: 1
     Read on SO: [29] http://goo.gl/iZHxLy

   * Using GHC API to compile Haskell sources to CORE and CORE to binary
     votes: 13, answers: 2
     Read on SO: [30] http://goo.gl/Qto29m

   * How to ship an executable with Language.Haskell.Interpreter?
     votes: 13, answers: 0
     Read on SO: [31] http://goo.gl/JptPyG

Until next time,
[32]+Daniel Santa Cruz


   1. http://nikita-volkov.github.io/record/
   2. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2svayz/i_think_ive_nailed_it_ive_solved_the_records/
   3. http://www.haskellforall.com/2015/01/use-haskell-for-shell-scripting.html
   4. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2u6b8m/use_haskell_for_shell_scripting/
   5. https://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2015-January/024777.html
   6. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2ttvsj/major_prelude_changes_proposed/
   7. http://code.haskell.org/~dons/talks/dons-google-2015-01-27.pdf
   8. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2u0380/slides_from_don_stewarts_google_tech_talk/
   9. http://jaspervdj.be/posts/2015-01-20-haskell-design-patterns-extended-modules.html
  10. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2t4lba/haskell_design_patterns_extended_modules/
  11. http://blog.jle.im/entry/io-monad-considered-harmful
  12. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2tbbxh/io_monad_considered_harmful/
  13. http://i.imgur.com/Rw8mmad.jpg
  14. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2tg9gs/we_are_making_great_efforts_to_spread_haskell/
  15. http://chrisdone.com/posts/haskell-wishlist
  16. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2tpwim/my_haskell_tooling_wishlist_by_chris_done/
  17. http://bartoszmilewski.com/2015/01/20/functors/
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2t2g5a/categories_for_programmers_functors/
  19. http://kevinmahoney.co.uk/articles/haskell-io/
  20. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2trmyx/i_wrote_another_monad_tutorial_sorry/
  21. https://noamlewis.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/introducing-sjs-a-type-inferer-and-checker-for-javascript/
  22. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2szt1u/introducing_sjs_a_type_inferer_and_checker_for/
  23. https://oleksandrmanzyuk.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/from-object-algebras-to-finally-tagless-interpreters-2/
  24. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2stmt6/solving_the_expression_problem_with_object/
  25. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28139259/why-do-we-need-monads
  26. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28053448/why-compiling-this-haskell-program-with-fllvm-produces-a-different-result
  27. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28123453/what-is-the-difference-between-traits-in-rust-and-typeclasses-in-haskell
  28. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28247543/motivation-behind-phantom-types
  29. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28257511/what-is-the-precedence-of-and-why
  30. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28059669/using-ghc-api-to-compile-haskell-sources-to-core-and-core-to-binary
  31. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28204973/how-to-ship-an-executable-with-language-haskell-interpreter
  32. https://plus.google.com/105107667630152149014/about

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