[Haskell] Second call-for-papers - Linearity 2014

Mário Florido amf at dcc.fc.up.pt
Tue Apr 1 09:46:33 UTC 2014

[We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this message]


			       Call for Papers

		  Third International Workshop on Linearity


				July 13, 2014
			       Vienna, Austria

Submission deadline: April 13, 2014

An associated event of  the Joint meeting of  the 23rd EACSL Annual Conference
on Computer Science Logic (CSL)  and the 29th ACM/IEEE  Symposium on Logic  in
Computer  Science  (LICS),  as   part   of  the   Vienna   Summer   of  Logic.
Aim and Scope

Ever since  the birth of  Girard's linear logic,   there has been a  stream of
research where linearity is a key issue,  covering both theoretical topics and
applications to several  areas  of Computer Science,  such  as  work on  proof
technology, complexity classes  and more recently quantum computation, program
analysis, expressive operational semantics,  linear programming languages, and
techniques   for   program   transformation, update  analysis   and  efficient

The aim of  this workshop is to bring  together researchers  who are currently
developing   theory   and applications  of linear   calculi,   to foster their
interaction and provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress,
and enable    newcomers  to learn  about  current   activities  in  this area.
Linearity is a key  feature in  both  theoretical and practical  approaches to
computer science, and the goal  of this workshop is  to present work exploring
linearity both in theory and practice.

Topics of interest  include new  results that  make central  use of linearity,
ranging  from foundational work to  applications  in any  field, are  welcome.
Also welcome  are  more exploratory  presentations,  which  may   examine open
questions   and  raise  fundamental  concerns   about  existing  theories  and
practices.  Specifically, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 * sub-linear logics
 * linear term calculi
 * linear type systems
 * linear proof-theory
 * linear programming languages
 * applications to concurrency
 * interaction-based systems
 * verification of linear systems
 * quantum models of computation
 * biological and chemical models of computation

Important Dates
 * April 13, 2014: Submission deadline
 * May   10, 2014: Author notification
 * May   28, 2014: Deadline for final versions of accepted papers
 * July  13, 2014: Workshop 

Submission and Publication
Authors are  invited to submit an  extended abstract (8  pages max) describing
original ideas and recent results not published nor  submitted elsewhere, or a
5-page  abstract presenting relevant work that  has been  or will be published
elsewhere, or work in progress.  Preliminary  proceedings will be available at
the  workshop.   Papers should   be written  in  English,  and   submitted  in
PostScript or PDF format, using the  EPTCS style files.  Submission is through
the Easychair website:

After the   workshop, authors of  the extended  abstracts  will be  invited to
submit a  longe   version of  their  work (typically   a  15-pages paper)  for
publication in  EPTCS.  These  submission will undergo a second round of 
referring. Furthermore, we envision publication of a special issue of a journal 
after the event.

Programme Committee
 * Sandra Alves (chair)
 * Iliano Cervesato (chair)
 * Kaustuv Chaudhuri 
 * Maribel Fernández 
 * Mário Florido 
 * Simon Gay 
 * Simone Martini 
 * Luca Paolini 
 * Simona Ronchi Della Rocca 
 * Carsten Schuermann 
 * Robert Simmons 
 * Vasco Vasconcelos 

Sandra Alves: sandra at dcc.fc.up.pt
Iliano Cervesato: iliano at cmu.edu
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