[Haskell] Announce: Agda 2.3.2

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Tue Nov 13 01:00:40 CET 2012

I am pleased to announce the source release of Agda 2.3.2!


If you have a recent Haskell Platform installed, you can get it with

   cabal update
   cabal install Agda
   agda-mode setup
   agda-mode compile

(The last step is optional.)

Highlights from the release-notes:


* A new backend that produces highlighted LaTeX from a literate agda file.

* Improved Emacs interaction mode:
   - No longer depends on GHCi.
   - Syntax highlighting is updated while buffer is type-checked.
   - You can case split on several variables simultaneously.

* Syntax extensions:
   - Pattern synonyms.
   - Qualified mixfix operators.
   - Sections and instantiated module imports.

* Enhancements of the type checker:
   - Improved coverage checking.
   - Improved constraint solving and instance search.

Andreas (for the Agda team)

Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY

andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de

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