[Haskell] Second CFP: Graph Computation Models (GCM2012)

Rachid Echahed Rachid.Echahed at imag.fr
Fri Jun 1 16:04:30 CEST 2012


                      Second CALL FOR PAPERS

                            GCM 2012

                  Fourth International Workshop on
                     Graph Computation Models
                Bremen, Germany, September 29th, 2012

                         Part of ICGT2012

      Full versions of best papers will be included in an issue of the
the international journal of the "Electronic Communications of the  EASST"


The aim of the  International Workshop  GCM2012  is to bring  together
researchers interested  in all aspects  of computation models based on
graphs    and graph transformation    techniques.    It promotes   the
cross-fertilizing exchange of  ideas and experiences among researchers
and   students from   the different   communities   interested in  the
foundations, applications,   and implementations of  graph computation
models and related areas.

GCM2012 is a  one-day satellite event of   ICGT 2012, which  will take
place  in Bremen, Germany, from  24 to 29  of September 2012. Previous
editions of  GCM series  were  held in  Natal,  Brazil (GCM  2006), in
Leicester, UK (GCM 2008) and in Enschede, The Netherlands (GCM 2010).

                            Topics of Interest

GCM 2012  solicits  papers in all   areas of Graph  Computation Models
including but not limited to:

Foundations : Models of graph transformation; Parallel, concurrent, and
distributed;  graph transformations; Term  graph  rewriting; Logics  on
graphs  and graph transformations; Formal graph languages Analysis and
verification   of   graph   transformation  systems;   Foundations   of
programming languages

Applications  :  Software  architecture; Software   validation; Software
evolution; Visual   programming;   Security models;   Implementation   of
programming   languages;  Rule-based  systems;    Workflow and  business
processes;    Model-driven  engineering;  Service-oriented  applications;
Bioinformatics and system biology; Quantum computing, Case-studies

                             Important Dates

Abstract Submission :     July 8th, 2012
Paper Submission :     July 15th, 2012
Acceptance Notification: August 13th, 2012
Preliminary Proceedings: September 2nd, 2012
Workshop :         September 29th, 2012


                         Submissions and Publication

Authors are invited to submit either regular papers  (up to 15 pages),
or  position papers, system  descriptions, work  in progress, extended
abstracts (5-7 pages), via the EasyChair system, at URL


Submissions should be in  PDF format, using  Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) style.

Preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the workshop.  Selected
authors will be invited to submit a full version of their papers after
the workshop. These  submissions will pass through  a second  round of
reviewing and accepted contributions are to  be published as a special
issue of  the international journal  of the "Electronic Communications
of the EASST".

                          Program Committee

   * Paolo Baldan, University of Padova, Italy
   * Franck Drewes, Umea University, Sweden
   * Rachid Echahed (cochair), LIG Lab., Grenoble, France
   * Stefan Gruner, University of Pretoria, South Africa
   * Annegret Habel (cochair), University of Oldenburg, Germany
   * Dirk Janssens, University of Antwerp, Belgium
   * Hans-Joerg Kreowski, University of Bremen, Germany
   * Pascale Le Gall, University of Evry-Val d'Essonne, France
   * Mohamed Mosbah (cochair), University of Bordeaux, France
   * Detlef Plump, University of York, UK

                         Organizers and contact

   * Annegret Habel, University of Oldenburg, Germany
   * Mohamed Mosbah, University of Bordeaux, France
   * Rachid Echahed, LIG Lab., Grenoble, France

  You can contact GCM 2012 organizers via gcm2012 at imag.fr


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