[Haskell] Call for Participation: Implementation and Application of Functional Languages 2012

José Pedro Magalhães jpm at cs.uu.nl
Tue Aug 7 14:09:35 CEST 2012

Apologies for multiple postings.


                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                     24th Symposium on Implementation and
                Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2012)

           University of Oxford, UK, August 30-September 1, 2012


This year IFL will be hosted by the University of Oxford, within the idyllic
setting of the dreaming spires and picturesque colleges, which have been the
home to academic endeavour and research for over nine centuries. The
will be held between 30 August and 1 September, 2012.

Early registration closes on 10 August. Late registration closes on 23
but conference accommodation can only be booked until 13 August. The
registration fee includes lunches and refreshments, BBQ on the first
evening, an
afternoon excursion, and the conference banquet.

To register, please follow the link:


Invited Speaker

Fritz Henglein, from the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Copenhagen, is the invited speaker of IFL 2012. He will be talking about
"generic sorting and partitioning in linear time and fully


There will be 38 talks presented at IFL 2012. The schedule of presentations
now online at:



The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively
in the implementation and application of functional and function-based
programming languages. IFL 2012 will be a venue for researchers to present
discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe
related to the implementation and application of functional languages and
function-based programming.

Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2012 will use a post-symposium review
to produce formal proceedings which will be published by Springer Verlag in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All participants in IFL 2012 are
invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended abstract describing
to be presented at the symposium.

Organising committee

Ralf Hinze (Chair), University of Oxford, UK
Nicolas Wu, University of Oxford, UK
José Pedro Magalhães, University of Oxford, UK
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