[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: cyclotomic 0.3.1: exact calculations with a subfield of the complex numbers

Scott N. Walck walck at lvc.edu
Wed Aug 1 17:50:03 CEST 2012

cyclotomic is a library that allows exact calculations with a subfield
of the complex numbers.

The cyclotomic numbers are a subset of the complex numbers with the
following properties:

* The cyclotomic numbers are represented exactly, enabling exact
  computations and equality comparisons.

* The cyclotomic numbers contain the Gaussian rationals (complex
  numbers of the form p + q i with p and q rational). As a
  consequence, the cyclotomic numbers are a dense subset of the
  complex numbers.

* The cyclotomic numbers contain the square roots of all rational

* The cyclotomic numbers form a field: they are closed under addition,
  subtraction, multiplication, and division.

* The cyclotomic numbers contain the sine and cosine of all rational
  multiples of pi.

* The cyclotomic numbers can be thought of as the rational field
  extended with nth roots of unity for arbitrarily large integers n.

To install, just

cabal install cyclotomic

To use,

import Data.Complex.Cyclotomic

I'm happy to hear about bugs or feature requests.


Scott N. Walck
Chair, Department of Physics
Professor of Physics
Lebanon Valley College
Annville, PA 17003
phone: 717-867-6153
fax:   717-867-6075
email: walck at lvc.edu

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