[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 204
Daniel Santa Cruz
dstcruz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 04:32:08 CEST 2011
Welcome to issue 204 of the HWN, a newsletter covering developments in
the Haskell community. This release covers the week of October 9 to 15,
You can find the HTML version of this issue at:
New and Updated Projects
* lhs2tex-hl (Alessandro Vermeulen; 1.4.3) Upgraded package builds
with GHC 7.2.x.
[1] http://goo.gl/2VQmw
* global-variables (Jean-Marie Gaillourdet; 1.0) A package
providing a global namespace for IORefs, MVars, and TVars.
[2] http://goo.gl/B9YPO
* vector-bytestring (Bas van Dijk; "The very ambitious
goal of this package is that it will eventually replace our beloved
bytestring package. By basing this package on vector, we can
benefit from all the optimizations (like stream-fusion!) in that
[3] http://goo.gl/SAUiF
* simple-actors (Brandon Simmons; 0.1.0) An eDSL library for actor
model concurrency.
[4] http://goo.gl/f9hvu
* ircbot (Jeremy Shaw; 0.1.1) ... "becase that's what Haskell
really needs -- another irc bot library."
[5] http://goo.gl/A252O
Quotes of the Week
* Pseudonym: A type is a collection of values, and a class is a
collection of types.
* xplat: you just need to write a corresponding set of modules for
well-hung coinduction
* Porges: State is stored in spacesuits. [via: reddit]
[djahandarie] Group projects are stupid
[shachaf] Try a semigroup project sometime.
You need to lose your identity.
Top Reddit Stories
* shqq: Embedding shell commands in Haskell code
Domain: mainisusuallyafunction.blogspot.com, Score: 51, Comments: 5
On Reddit: [6] http://goo.gl/b7zj5
Original: [7] http://goo.gl/9LVhi
* Shooting yourself in the foot with Haskell
Domain: haskell.org, Score: 47, Comments: 7
On Reddit: [8] http://goo.gl/C1VJY
Original: [9] http://goo.gl/yGceC
* Why learn Haskell? [PDF slides]
Domain: ugcs.net, Score: 32, Comments: 31
On Reddit: [10] http://goo.gl/Coml0
Original: [11] http://goo.gl/MgVwe
* How to beat the CAP theorem - purely functional databases
Domain: nathanmarz.com, Score: 28, Comments: 11
On Reddit: [12] http://goo.gl/s1TjI
Original: [13] http://goo.gl/HQvlK
* Yo /r/haskell, I heard you like monads...
Domain: self.haskell, Score: 25, Comments: 26
On Reddit: [14] http://goo.gl/xSbj7
Original: [15] http://goo.gl/xSbj7
* FRP and Haskell being used for physiological experimentation and
analysis - Haskell-cafe
Domain: haskell.org, Score: 21, Comments: 3
On Reddit: [16] http://goo.gl/XxE3y
Original: [17] http://goo.gl/fMBMR
* Composing a list of Enumeratees
Domain: permalink.gmane.org, Score: 19, Comments: 14
On Reddit: [18] http://goo.gl/fwcY1
Original: [19] http://goo.gl/V2bgc
* hp2pretty-0.5 released - Now with go faster stripes!
Domain: claudiusmaximus.goto10.org, Score: 19, Comments: 0
On Reddit: [20] http://goo.gl/csnhI
Original: [21] http://goo.gl/18myY
* FRP - How to deal with concurrent external events?
Domain: apfelmus.nfshost.com, Score: 16, Comments: 0
On Reddit: [22] http://goo.gl/HqgyJ
Original: [23] http://goo.gl/2QYcU
* Talk (by factis research) about developing commercial software in Haskell
Domain: factisresearch.blogspot.com, Score: 16, Comments: 5
On Reddit: [24] http://goo.gl/iyKDs
Original: [25] http://goo.gl/RSHLE
* A French community for Haskell
Domain: alpmestan.wordpress.com, Score: 15, Comments: 0
On Reddit: [26] http://goo.gl/KSy83
Original: [27] http://goo.gl/rF4Zs
* VirtuaHac: The Completely Online Hackathon
Domain: haskell.org, Score: 15, Comments: 8
On Reddit: [28] http://goo.gl/3Ej9Z
Original: [29] http://goo.gl/wj05N
* kmeans-vector: kmeans clustering algorithm implementation
Domain: hackage.haskell.org, Score: 14, Comments: 0
On Reddit: [30] http://goo.gl/DcvcO
Original: [31] http://goo.gl/df48V
Top StackOverflow Questions
* Meaning of Haskell exceptions
votes: 19, answers: 2
Read on SO: [32] http://goo.gl/Aa2H9
* Are there pronounceable names for common Haskell operators?
votes: 19, answers: 2
Read on SO: [33] http://goo.gl/qr2QN
* Space leak only in certain cases in GHC interpreter when doing:
concat <some list> !! n
votes: 18, answers: 0
Read on SO: [34] http://goo.gl/y7W50
* Type theory: type kinds
votes: 18, answers: 3
Read on SO: [35] http://goo.gl/ne79b
* Why is the minimalist, example Haskell quicksort not a “true” quicksort?
votes: 16, answers: 6
Read on SO: [36] http://goo.gl/Zldpx
* Space leaks, and Writers, and Sums (oh my!)
votes: 15, answers: 3
Read on SO: [37] http://goo.gl/Lt62v
* Can this functionality be implemented with Haskell's type system?
votes: 14, answers: 3
Read on SO: [38] http://goo.gl/4aV7G
* Total function of type (forall n . Maybe (f n)) -> Maybe (forall n . (f n))
votes: 14, answers: 3
Read on SO: [39] http://goo.gl/qUyYR
* Standard web server interface equivalent to WSGI/Rack for Haskell
votes: 9, answers: 2
Read on SO: [40] http://goo.gl/9fWNq
* Automatic lifting of infix operators to monadic infix operators
votes: 8, answers: 3
Read on SO: [41] http://goo.gl/jDQWC
Until next time,
Daniel Santa Cruz
1. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/93087
2. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/18977
3. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/18975
4. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/93016
5. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/92986
6. http://mainisusuallyafunction.blogspot.com/2011/10/shqq-embedding-shell-commands-in.html
7. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l86s6/shqq_embedding_shell_commands_in_haskell_code/
8. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Shooting_your_self_in_the_foot
9. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l6smh/shooting_yourself_in_the_foot_with_haskell/
10. http://ugcs.net/~keegan/talks/why-learn-haskell/talk.pdf
11. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/la9ey/why_learn_haskell_pdf_slides/
12. http://nathanmarz.com/blog/how-to-beat-the-cap-theorem.html
13. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/lb66h/how_to_beat_the_cap_theorem_purely_functional/
14. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/ldu36/yo_rhaskell_i_heard_you_like_monads/
15. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/ldu36/yo_rhaskell_i_heard_you_like_monads/
16. http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2011-October/095857.html
17. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l6yep/frp_and_haskell_being_used_for_physiological/
18. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/92928
19. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/la4at/composing_a_list_of_enumeratees/
20. http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org/cm/2011-10-15_hp2pretty-0.5_released.html
21. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/lcw7n/hp2pretty05_released_now_with_go_faster_stripes/
22. http://apfelmus.nfshost.com/blog/2011/10/11-frp-concurrent-events.html
23. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l9hgz/frp_how_to_deal_with_concurrent_external_events/
24. http://factisresearch.blogspot.com/2011/10/yesterday-i-gave-talk-at-haskell-in.html
25. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l9zq3/talk_by_factis_research_about_developing/
26. http://alpmestan.wordpress.com/2011/10/09/a-french-community-for-haskell/
27. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l6eqx/a_french_community_for_haskell/
28. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/VirtuaHac
29. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l6knx/virtuahac_the_completely_online_hackathon/
30. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/kmeans-vector-0.1
31. http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/l67mi/kmeansvector_kmeans_clustering_algorithm/
32. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7704999/meaning-of-haskell-exceptions
33. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746894/are-there-pronounceable-names-for-common-haskell-operators
34. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7707661/space-leak-only-in-certain-cases-in-ghc-interpreter-when-doing-concat-some-lis
35. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7752452/type-theory-type-kinds
36. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7717691/why-is-the-minimalist-example-haskell-quicksort-not-a-true-quicksort
37. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7720929/space-leaks-and-writers-and-sums-oh-my
38. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7705119/can-this-functionality-be-implemented-with-haskells-type-system
39. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7720108/total-function-of-type-forall-n-maybe-f-n-maybe-forall-n-f-n
40. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7700619/standard-web-server-interface-equivalent-to-wsgi-rack-for-haskell
41. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7742625/automatic-lifting-of-infix-operators-to-monadic-infix-operators
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