[Haskell] Summer School in Software Engineering and Verification 2011 - Call For Participation

Andrei Sabelfeld andrei at chalmers.se
Thu Mar 17 15:03:50 CET 2011

Call for participation

Summer School in Software Engineering and Verification will take place outside of Moscow, Russia, on July 17–27, 2011. The school is co-sponsored by Microsoft Research and is organized in cooperation with the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow.


The school will consist of a number of courses from international leaders in their field, including:

     * Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research, UK
       foundations of program verification
     * Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester, UK
       automation of proof and disproof
     * Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, US
       software model checking and automatic test case generation
     * Yannis Smaragdakis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US
       static analysis and bug detection
     * Stephan Tobies, Microsoft, Germany
       verification of concurrent C programs and operating systems
     * Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano, Switzerland
       model checking
     * Ben Livshits, Microsoft Research, US
       program analysis and its applications

School Goals

The aim of the school is to attract promising graduate students and young scientists, and to encourage and prepare them for research in software engineering, verification, and program analysis. The students will be exposed to a combination of classical results as well as leading-edge research. To encourage research participation, the students will be required to complete a project as part of the school. We also want to provide a stimulating environment for students to meet and establish ties with each other, local faculty members and industry researchers, as well as school lecturers, who are among the top scientists in their area.

Primary participants

We are primarily targeting students from Russia as well as countries in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.

For more information about the school and to register for the school, please consult:


We strongly encourage people interested in participating to register as soon as possible.

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