[Haskell] ANN: LocallyLazyRead-0.1

e.ex.exi.exit at googlemail.com e.ex.exi.exit at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 21 19:11:21 CET 2011

ANN: LocallyLazyRead-0.1


(no hackage package since anonymous uploads are not allowed there)

The package comprises just one function which applies a lazy
parser to a resource that may otherwise be accessed via strict IO:

> import Control.LocallyLazyRead

Assume a (lazy) parser:

> parse :: Read a => String -> IO (a,String)
> parse = return . head . reads

Turn this into a "get"-like function which 
reads the characters strictly but 
computes the parse result lazily: 

> foo :: Handle -> IO (String,Char,(Int,Int),Char)
> foo h = do
>   s  <- llread (hGetChar h) parse
>   c1 <- hGetChar h
>   ii <- llread (hGetChar h) parse 
>   c2 <- hGetChar h
>   return (s,c1,ii,c2)

where llread is of type 

   IO t -> ([t] -> IO (a,[t])) -> IO a 

The parser must satisfy the following semantic constraint:

For all finite p, arbitrary q, arbitrary a with the right type:

 (parse (p++q)) computes the value (a,q) in a given IO state
   if and only if
 (parse p)      computes the value (a,[]) in the same IO state

This entails zero lookahead into the unparsed rest, and also a 
rest which truely depends on the input - parse x = return (x,[])
is forbidden. 

Violations are detected at runtime:

> -- throws a LookaheadAttempt exception:
> bar :: Handle -> IO Bool
> bar h = llread (hGetChar h) (\(y:ys)-> return (isSpace y,y:ys))

> -- throws a Lookahead exception:
> barbar :: Handle -> IO Int
> barbar h = llread (hGetChar h) parse 


e(x(i(t))) <e.ex.exi.exit at gmail.com>

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