[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: monad-control-0.3

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 00:45:33 CET 2011


I just released monad-control-0.3. The package for lifting control
operations (like catch, bracket, mask, alloca, timeout, forkIO,
modifyMVar, etc.) through monad transformers:


It has a new and improved API which is:

* easier to understand by explicitly representing the monadic state
using type families.
* 60 times faster than the previous release!
* more general because control operations can now, not only be lifted
from IO, but from any base monad (ST, STM, etc.)

I also released a new package: lifted-base:


It provides lifted versions of functions from the base library.
Currently it exports the following modules:

* Control.Exception.Lifted
* Control.Concurrent.Lifted
* Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
* System.Timeout.Lifted

These are just modules which people have needed in the past. If you
need a lifted version of some function, just ask me to add it or send
me a patch.

Note that Peter Simons just discovered that these packages don't build
with GHC-7.0.4 (https://github.com/basvandijk/monad-control/issues/3).
I just committed some fixes which enable them to be build on GHC >=
6.12.3. Hopefully I can release these fixes this weekend.



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