[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: swapper: Transparently swapping data from in-memory structures to disk

Jeremy Shaw jeremy at n-heptane.com
Tue Aug 30 00:24:44 CEST 2011


Lemmih and I have talked about doing something like this in theory.

But having it in reality is much, much better :)

Have you considered switching to acid-state and safecopy? Future
versions of happstack will use those instead of happstack-data and
happstack-state. (And, there is no reason you can not use them with
Happstack 6 already).

- jeremy

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Roman Smrž <roman.smrz at seznam.cz> wrote:
> The package swapper provides a wrapper for functors, which allows their
> data to be automatically and transparently swapped to disk and loaded
> back when necessary. The version 0.1 is the first public one.
> Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/swapper
> Github: http://github.com/roman-smrz/swapper/
> The original motivation was the use with happstack-state, which is a
> system to maintain a global state whole kept in memory. If the data get
> too big, they can be swapped to disk by the operating system, yet
> sometimes a bit more control may be beneficial. That is provided by this
> package (a cache, with possible custom implementation, deciding which
> and how many items are kept in memory, is associated with the structure)
> and also the use of snapshots is optimized more than in the case of OS
> swap: only the data currently cached need to be added when creating
> snapshot and after loading one, the data are read only as needed.
> Regards,
> Roman Srmž
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