[Haskell] ANN: iyql - interactive yql
Diego Souza
dsouza at bitforest.org
Wed Sep 8 22:27:29 EDT 2010
Hi All,
I'm pleased to announce iyql, an interactive CLI for YQL [
http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console]. This version provides the first
release, which allows you perform all queries supported by YQL [with the
sole exception of parenthesis in WHERE clause]. Among other things,
completion and history are implemented [=haskeline] along with support for
queries that requires OAuth authentication.
Plans for next releases:
* Implement a decent error handling: currently any unexpected exception
aborts the program;
* Support parenthesis in WHERE clause;
* More local functions;
Please let me know about any issues or suggestions!
yahoo!im: paravinicius
gpg key fingerprint: 71B8 CE21 3A6E F894 5B1B 9ECE F88E 067F E891 651E
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