[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: hbeanstalk

Greg Heartsfield scsibug at imap.cc
Mon May 31 20:21:27 EDT 2010

Hello Haskellers,

I'd like to announce the first release of hbeanstalk, a new library
for interfacing with the Beanstalk message/work queue service.

Beanstalk is a simple, fast workqueue service written in C
http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/ , which is often used to facilitate
moving time-consuming tasks off a web application server, reducing
latency for users.

hbeanstalk is a library that allows Haskell programs to either produce
jobs, or consume them.  It's a perfect way to have Haskell do your
heavy lifting.  The entire Beanstalk protocol is implemented, so you
can also use hbeanstalk to inspect jobs and gather statistics.

A large number of other languages have clients as well, so using
Beanstalk can be a convenient way to cross language barriers.

Check it out on Hackage:

Or at GitHub:

Greg Heartsfield

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