[Haskell] *** FLOPS 2010: Call for Participation ***

Matthias Blume blume at tti-c.org
Tue Feb 9 21:06:24 EST 2010

                       Call For Participation

    Tenth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
                             FLOPS 2010

                          April 19-21, 2010
			    Sendai, JAPAN


           ** Early registration ends on April 2, 2010 **

FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization between the two paradigms.
Previous FLOPS meetings were held in Fuji Susono (1995), Shonan
Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo (2001), Aizu
(2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), and Ise (2008).


The meeting will be held at the Aoba Memorial Hall, in the Aoba-yama
Campus of the Tohoku University.


The registration is now open at the Symposium home page:


The proceedings will be published as volume 6009 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer, and distributed at the Symposium.


Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
Kostis Sagonas (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Naoyuki Tamura (Kobe University, Japan)


April 19 (Monday)
12:00-13:20 Registration and lunch
13:20-14:20 Invited talk
            Beluga: programming with dependent types and higher-order data
            Brigitte Pientka
14:40-16:10 Types
          - A Church-Style Intermediate Language for MLF
            Didier Remy, Boris Yakobowski
          - ΠΣ: Dependent Types without the Sugar
            Thorsten Altenkirch, Nils Anders Danielsson, Andres Löh, Nicolas Oury
          - Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed
            Dominic Orchard, Tom Schrijvers

16:30-18:00 Program analysis and transformation
          - A Functional Framework for Result Checking
            Gilles Barthe, Pablo Buiras, César Kunz
          - Tagfree Combinators for Binding-Time Polymorphic Program Generation
            Peter Thiemann, Martin Sulzmann
          - Code Generation via Higher-Order Rewrite Systems
            Florian Haftmann, Tobias Nipkow

April 20 (Tuesday)
09:00-10.00 Invited talk
            Using Static Analysis to Detect Type Errors and Race Conditions in Erlang Programs
            Konstantinos Sagonas
10:20-11:50 Foundations
          - A Complete Axiomatization of Strict Equality
            Javier Álvez, Francisco Javier López-Fraguas
          - Standardization and Böhm trees for Lambda-mu calculus
            Alexis Saurin
          - An Integrated Distance for Atoms
            Vicent Estruch, César Ferri, José Hernández-Orallo, M.José Ramírez-Quintana
11:50-      Lunch, excursion, and banquet

April 21 (Wednesday)
09:00-10:00 Invited talk
            Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with SAT Technology
            Naoyuki Tamura
10:20-11:50 Logic programming
          - A Pearl on SAT Solving in Prolog
            Jacob Howe, Andy King
          - Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems
            Daniel Seidel, Janis Voigtländer
          - Applying Constraint Logic Programming to SQL Test Case Generation
            Yolanda García-Ruiz, Rafael Caballero, Fernando Sáenz-Pérez
11:50-12:50 Lunch
12:50-14:20 Evaluation and normalization
          - Internal Normalization, Compilation and Decompilation for System F
            Stefano Berardi, Makoto Tatsuta
          - Normalization by Evaluation for the beta-eta Calculus of Constructions
            Andreas Abel
          - Defunctionalized Interpreters for Call-by-Need Evaluation
            Olivier Danvy, Kevin Millikin, Johan Munk, Ian Zerny
14:40-16:10 Term rewriting
          - Complexity Analysis by Graph Rewriting
            Martin Avanzini, Georg Moser
          - Least Upper Bounds on the Size of Church-Rosser Diagrams in Term Rewriting and λ-Calculus
            Jeroen Ketema, Jakob Grue Simonsen
          - Proving Injectivity of Functions via Program Inversion in Term Rewriting
            Naoki Nishida, Masahiko Sakai
16:30-18:00 Parallelism and control
          - Delimited Control in OCaml, Abstractly and Concretely. System Description
            Oleg Kiselyov
          - Automatic Parallelization of Recursive Functions using Quantifier Elimination
            Akimasa Morihata, Kiminori Matsuzaki
          - A Skeleton for Distributed Work Pools in Eden
            Mischa Dieterle, Jost Berthold, Rita Loogen


 Matthias Blume (Google, Chicago, USA)
 German Vidal (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)


 Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)


 Nick Benton (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
 Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales, Australia)
 Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
 Bart Demoen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
 Agostino Dovier (University of Udine, Italy)
 John P. Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
 Maria Garcia de la Banda (Monash University, Australia)
 Michael Hanus (University of Kiel, Germany)
 Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
 Patricia Johann (Rutgers University, USA)
 Shin-ya Katsumata (Kyoto University, Japan)
 Michael Leuschel (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)
 Francisco Lopez-Fraguas (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
 Paqui Lucio (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
 Yasuhiko Minamide (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
 Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
 Francois Pottier (INRIA, France)
 Tom Schrijvers (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
 Chung-chieh "Ken" Shan (Rutgers University, USA)
 Zhong Shao (Yale University, USA)
 Jan-Georg Smaus (University of Freiburg, Germany)
 Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)


 Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)


 FLOPS 2008, Ise: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/FLOPS2008/
 FLOPS 2006, Fuji Susono: http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2006/
 FLOPS 2004, Nara
 FLOPS 2002, Aizu: http://www.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2002/
 FLOPS 2001, Tokyo: http://www.ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp/flops2001/


  Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST), SIG-PPL
  Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
  International Information Science Foundation


 AAFS (Asian Association for Foundation of Software)
 ALP (Association for Logic Programming)


 flops2010 at easychair.org

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