[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: hecc-0.1

Marcel Fourné marcel at bitrot.dyndns.org
Wed Sep 9 12:17:10 EDT 2009

this is the first release of hecc, the Elliptic Curve
Cryptography Library for Haskell, to be found at


Implemented are affine, projective, jacobian and modified jacobian
point formats with the basic operations. Included as an Example is a
basic ECDH as well as a basic speed test (just a point multiplication
on NIST P-256).

The code grew out of some finger exercises used during my
Master-studies and has been molded into some (arguably) releasable

The library tries to be fast (achieving the above-mentioned test in
just under 10ms on my hardware) but won't compete with a C or
assembler-implementation (meaning: it stays more readable).

The API is not stable, there may be bugs, you have been warned...

Further algorithms may come at a point, but there is no timeframe atm.

Please send feedback!


Marcel Fourné
OpenPGP-Key-ID: 0x74545C72

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