[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 113 - April 13, 2009

Joe Fredette jfredett at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 15:18:36 EDT 2009

He forgot the quotes, so I grabbed a few I thought were good. :)

    Aaron_Denney says: "Don't anthropomorphize computers.  They hate it 
when you do that."

    BMeph says [to psygnisfive] In #haskell, you can't hardly be taken 
seriously w/o writing a monad tutorial...

    heatsink says: @pl (\y -> you y off)

    taruti says: damn GHC. I had a nice example for a pretty but 
inefficient way to compute things and now the new GHC optimizes it to be 
fast ._.

    Japsu says: segfault cat is watching you unsafeCoerce


Brent Yorgey wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Haskell Weekly News
> http://sequence.complete.org/hwn/20090413
> Issue 113 - April 13, 2009
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Welcome to issue 113 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in the
>    [1]Haskell community.
> Announcements
>    xmobar-0.9.2. Andrea Rossato [2]announced the release of
>    [3]xmobar-0.9.2, which features a fix for a longstanding resource
>    leakage bug, new nested color definitions, and more.
>    CFP Haskell Symposium 2009. Stephanie Weirich [4]reminded everyone that
>    there are only 4 weeks until the submission deadline for the [5]2009
>    Haskell Symposium!
>    hmatrix-static: statically-sized linear algebra. Reiner Pope
>    [6]announced the release of [7]hmatrix-static, a thin wrapper over
>    Alberto Ruiz's excellent [8]hmatrix library for linear algebra. The
>    main additions of hmatrix-static over hmatrix are that vectors and
>    matrices have their length encoded in their types, and vectors and
>    matrices may be constructed and destructed using view patterns,
>    affording a clean, safe syntax.
>    haskellmode for Vim now at projects.haskell.org. Claus Reinke
>    [9]announced that the Haskell mode plugins for Vim have just completed
>    their move to their [10]new home, and took the opportunity to reiterate
>    what they can do (quite a lot, it seems), and mention that some
>    screencasts are available.
>    MSem replacement for QSem. ChrisK [11]announced [12]MSem, a proposed
>    replacement module for Control.Concurrent.QSem.
>    Hac5 is almost upon us!. Sean Leather [13]reminded everyone that in six
>    days, tens of crazy/obsessed, type-safe, functional programmers will be
>    converging on Utrecht to commence execution of the [14]5th Haskell
>    Hackathon, from April 17-19, 2009 in Utrecht, The Netherlands! The
>    local organizing team welcomes you all and looks forward to all of the
>    new developments that come out of everyone's undying quest to write
>    more and better code.
>    Yogurt-0.4. Martijn van Steenbergen [15]announced version 0.4 of
>    [16]Yogurt, a functional MUD client. Version 0.4 makes Yogurt available
>    as a standalone executable that is able to dynamically load and reload
>    Yogurt scripts.
>    Elerea, another FRP library. Patai Gergely [17]announced the release of
>    [18]Elerea, aka "Eventless reactivity", a minimalistic FRP
>    implementation that comes with a convenient applicative interface,
>    supports recursive definition of signals and signals fed from outside
>    by IO actions, plays nice with resources, and is the result of some
>    furious hacking. There are working examples to show off the current
>    capabilities of the library, found in the separate [19]elerea-examples
>    package.
>    tree-monad 0.2. Sebastian Fischer [20]announced version 0.2 of the
>    [21]tree-monad package, which provides instances of MonadPlus that
>    represent the search space of non- deterministic computations as a
>    tree. Version 0.2 implements an optimized CPS version of the tree.
>    HCard -- A library for implementing card-like structures.. Joe Fredette
>    [22]announced the release of [23]HCard, a library which supports a
>    card-like data structures and uses associated types to provide
>    shuffling, dealing, and other facilities. It's general enough to
>    support many different types of playing cards; it currently comes with
>    the common "French Deck" (4-suit, 13 card deck that is very common in
>    the US) implemented and an example cribbage scoring application.
>    SVGFonts 0.1. Tillmann Vogt [24]announced his first Haskell library,
>    [25]SVGFonts 0.1, which parses the relatively unknown SVG Font format
>    to produce outlines of characters. The big advantage of this format is
>    that it is XML, which means easy parsing and manipulating.
>    network-bytestring 0.1.2. Johan Tibell [26]announced a new release of
>    [27]network-bytestring, a Haskell library for fast socket I/O using
>    ByteStrings. New in this release is support for scatter/gather I/O
>    (also known as vectored I/O). Scatter/gather I/O provides more
>    efficient I/O by using one system call to send several separate pieces
>    of data and by avoiding unnecessary copying.
> Jobs
>    Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Leicester. Roy L. Crole
>    [28]announced an opening for a lectureship at the University of
>    Leicester. The successful candidate will have a strong or promising
>    research record in computer science, with a background in formal
>    foundations (either algorithms and complexity, or semantics of
>    programming or modelling languages), and will be able to contribute to
>    undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision in software
>    engineering.
> Blog noise
>    [29]Haskell news from the [30]blogosphere.
>      * Mark Wassell: [31]Edge Detection in Haskell.
>      * Sean Leather: [32]Latest on the incremental fold and attributes.
>      * Sean Leather: [33]Haskell mode for Vim on a Mac.
>      * Sean Leather: [34]Incremental attributes.
>      * >>> Human Constraints: [35]Haskell Type Hackery.
>      * LHC Team: [36]A new beginning..
>      * London Haskell Users Group: [37]Don Stewart: Engineering Large
>        Projects in Haskell: A Decade of Haskell at Galois.
>      * Ulisses Costa: [38]More Hylomorphisms in Haskell.
>      * Ulisses Costa: [39]Anamorphisms in Haskell.
>      * London Haskell Users Group: [40]Next Meeting: Don Stewart from
>        Galois.
>      * LHC Team: [41]Hello world!.
>      * mightybyte: [42]Adding Authentication to the Blog App.
>      * Leon Smith: [43]Polynomial multiplication.
>      * Joe Fredette: [44]Card games, scorekeeping, and ... Associated
>        Datatypes?.
>      * mightybyte: [45]Basic Happstack Blog App.
>      * mightybyte: [46]A Standalone Auth Framework for Happstack.
>      * Mads Lindstrøm: [47]Introducing WxGeneric.
>      * happstack.com: [48]2 new projects that use Happstack.
>      * >>> Brant Carlson: [49]Lightning Modeling in Haskell.
>      * Leon Smith: [50]Lloyd Allison's Corecursive Queues.
> About the Haskell Weekly News
>    New editions are posted to [51]the Haskell mailing list as well as to
>    [52]the Haskell Sequence and [53]Planet Haskell. [54]RSS is also
>    available, and headlines appear on [55]haskell.org.
>    To help create new editions of this newsletter, please see the
>    information on [56]how to contribute. Send stories to byorgey at cis
>    dot upenn dot edu. The darcs repository is available at darcs get
>    [57]http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/ .
> References
>    1. http://haskell.org/
>    2. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17080
>    3. http://code.haskell.org/~arossato/xmobar/
>    4. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17072
>    5. http://haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2009/
>    6. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56772
>    7. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/hmatrix-static
>    8. http://www.hmatrix.googlepages.com/
>    9. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56495
>   10. http://projects.haskell.org/haskellmode-vim/
>   11. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56761
>   12. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/SafeConcurrent
>   13. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56758
>   14. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hac5
>   15. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56747
>   16. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/Yogurt
>   17. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56731
>   18. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/elerea
>   19. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/elerea-examples
>   20. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56639
>   21. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/tree%2Dmonad
>   22. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56573
>   23. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/HCard
>   24. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56444
>   25. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/SVGFonts
>   26. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/56374
>   27. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/network-bytestring
>   28. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/17066
>   29. http://planet.haskell.org/
>   30. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Blog_articles
>   31. http://www.poundstone.org/blog/?p=137
>   32. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/splonderzoek/~3/KWqNCgsK1ww/latest-on-incremental-fold-and.html
>   33. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/splonderzoek/~3/0QNaK4byWhg/haskell-mode-for-vim-on-mac.html
>   34. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/splonderzoek/~3/4B0bHoeTCeQ/incremental-attributes.html
>   35. http://blog.human-constraints.com/?p=49
>   36. http://lhc-compiler.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-beginning.html
>   37. http://www.londonhug.net/2009/04/10/don-stewart-engineering-large-projects-in-haskell-a-decade-of-haskell-at-galois/
>   38. http://ulissesaraujo.wordpress.com/2009/04/09/more-hylomorphisms-in-haskell/
>   39. http://ulissesaraujo.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/anamorphisms-in-haskell/
>   40. http://www.londonhug.net/2009/04/09/next-meeting-don-stewart-from-galois/
>   41. http://lhc-compiler.blogspot.com/2009/04/hello-world.html
>   42. http://softwaresimply.blogspot.com/2009/04/adding-authentication-to-blog-app.html
>   43. http://blog.melding-monads.com/2009/04/07/polynomial-multiplication/
>   44. http://lowlymath.net/2009/card-games-scorekeeping-and-associated-datatypes/
>   45. http://softwaresimply.blogspot.com/2009/04/basic-happstack-blog-app.html
>   46. http://softwaresimply.blogspot.com/2009/04/standalone-auth-framework-for-happstack.html
>   47. http://lindstroem.wordpress.com/2008/05/03/introducing-wxgeneric/
>   48. http://blog.happstack.com/2009/04/06/2-new-projects-that-use-happstack/
>   49. http://bayern.stanford.edu/~brant/lightning/
>   50. http://blog.melding-monads.com/2009/03/09/lloyd-allisons-corecursive-queues/
>   51. http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
>   52. http://sequence.complete.org/
>   53. http://planet.haskell.org/
>   54. http://sequence.complete.org/node/feed
>   55. http://haskell.org/
>   56. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/HWN
>   57. http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/
> _______________________________________________
> Haskell mailing list
> Haskell at haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
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