[Haskell] Marketing Haskell

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 1 05:00:31 EDT 2009

>>>>> "Simon T" == S J Thompson <S.J.Thompson at kent.ac.uk> writes:

    Simon T> wikipedia also says

    Simon T>  "The only people who are permitted to keep Koalas are
    Simon T> wildlife carers and, occasionally, research scientists."

Well, I'm neither.
And I didn't think the entity concerned was Haskell. I assumed
something more up-to-date was the relevant entity.

    Lennart> Koalas are slow and lazy animals.  I think the choice is highly appropriate.

    Colin> I have hitherto been unaware of any connection between this
    Colin> creature and the entity concerned.

Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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