[Haskell] ANN: "Real World Haskell", now shipping

Donnie Jones donnie at darthik.com
Wed Nov 26 02:29:05 EST 2008

Mine arrives in two days; I can't wait!  :)

Thanks for all your hard work, and to all the members of the community which
provided comments/suggestions to improve the book.
Donnie Jones

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at serpentine.com>wrote:

> Good evening -
> John Goerzen, Don Stewart and I are delighted to announce the
> availability of our book, "Real World Haskell". It is 710 pages long,
> and published by O'Reilly Media.
> This is the first book to comprehensively cover modern Haskell
> programming. From an introduction to functional programming, it
> focuses on teaching through many worked examples. We discuss the
> "awkward squad" of I/O, concurrency, and exceptions. We cover network
> programming, databases, and system hacking. We motivate and work with
> monoids, applicative functors, monads, and monad transformers. We show
> you how to debug code, and how to ship well-tested software.
> Better yet, the book is available under a Creative Commons license, so
> you can read as much of it as you please before you buy:
> http://book.realworldhaskell.org/ We developed this book with the
> enthusiastic and voluble support of the Haskell community, and we are
> proud to share our work in a fashion that will help newcomers to our
> field.
> And best of all, if you order now (at least in North America), you can
> have a copy of the book in your hands in a matter of days.
> Thank you from all of us to our friends in the Haskell world who have
> been so generous with their feedback and kind words!
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