[Haskell] WLPE'08 - First call for Papers

WLPE-08 ppdp08-cfp at clip.dia.fi.upm.es
Thu Jul 17 04:42:24 EDT 2008

                       WLPE'08 -- Call for Papers

The 18th Workshop on Logic-based methods in  Programming Environments


                  December 9th-13th 2008, Udine, Italy

                   (Satellite Workshop of ICLP 2008)

The 18th  Workshop on Logic-based methods  in Programming Environments
will  take place in  Udine (Italy),  as a  satellite workshop  of ICLP
2008,  the 24th  International Conference  on Logic  Programming. This
workshop  will   continue  the  series   of  successful  international
workshops on logic programming  environments held in Ohio, USA (1989),
Eilat,  Israel  (1990), Paris,  France  (1991),  Washington D.C.,  USA
(1992),  Vancouver,  Canada  (1993),  Santa Margherita  Ligure,  Italy
(1994), Portland, USA (1995),  Leuven, Belgium (1997), Las Cruces, USA
(1999),  Paphos, Cyprus  (2001), Copenhagen,  Denmark  (2002), Mumbai,
India  (2003), Saint  Malo, France  (2004), Sitges  (Barcelona), Spain
(2005),  Seattle,  USA  (2006)   and  Porto,  Portugal  (2007).   More
information  about  the series  of  WLPE  workshops  can be  found  at

The  workshop aims at  providing an  informal meeting  for researchers
working  on  logic-based  methods  and  tools  which  support  program
development  and  analysis.   This  year,  we  plan  to  continue  and
consolidate  the shift  in focus  from environmental  tools  for logic
programming  to  logic-based environmental  tools  for programming  in
general, so that this workshop can be possibly interesting for a wider
scientific   community.   In  addition   to  papers   describing  more
conceptual  and theoretical  work, the  call for  papers  will solicit
papers describing the implementation of, and the experience with, such
tools.  Areas  particularly relevant to the workshop  include (but are
not limited to):

   -  static and dynamic analysis
   -  debugging and testing
   -  program verification and validation
   -  code generation from specifications
   -  termination and non-termination analysis
   -  reasoning on occurs-check freeness and determinacy
   -  profiling and performance analysis
   -  type- and mode analysis
   -  module systems
   -  optimization tools

Authors who are interested in taking part in the workshop, but are
unsure if their work falls within its scope, are invited to contact
the organizers and will be given suitable advice.

Workshop Organizers
     Puri Arenas
     Facultad de Informatica
     Universidad Complutense de Madrid
     28040-Madrid, Spain
     Email: puri at sip.ucm.es
     Phone: +34 91 394 76 33
     Fax: +34 91 336 50 18

     Damiano Zanardini
     Facultad de Informatica
     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
     28660-Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
     Email: damiano at clip.dia.fi.upm.es
     Phone:  +34 91 336 74 48
     Fax: +34 91 394 75 29

Program Committee

  - Puri Arenas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ws co-chair)
  - Michael Codish, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  - Roberta Gori, Universita di Pisa
  - Arnaud Gotlieb, IRISA/CNRS UMR 6074
  - Patricia Hill, University of Leeds
  - Jacob Howe, City University, London
  - Sabina Rossi, Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia
  - Tom Schrijvers, K.U.Leuven
  - Alexander Serebrenik, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  - Wim Vanhoof, University of Namur
  - German Vidal, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
  - Damiano Zanardini, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,(ws co-chair)

Important Dates

   Submission:   September 15th, 2008 (23:59:59 Samoa time (GMT -11))
   Notification: October 8th, 2008
   Camera-ready: October 26th, 2008
   Workshop:     TBA (probably Dec 9th or Dec 13th, half-day)


Papers should be submitted to


The  length of papers  can range  from 2  to 15  pages in  LNCS style.
Informal proceedings  will be distributed at the  workshop.  After the
workshop,  proceedings  will be  available  on-line  in the  Computing
Research Repository (CoRR).

In  addition to  papers  describing conceptual  and theoretical  work,
papers describing the implementation  of and the experience with tools
are welcome.

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