[Haskell] Re: on starting Haskell-Edu, a new education-related Haskell-related mailing list

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Tue Jul 15 03:24:44 EDT 2008

>>What is needed is a discussion of list charter. The only thing I've
>>seen was "Discussion about beginner questions and issues in
>>teaching Haskell", with the implicit assumption that those beginners
>>are non-academic students, but in some form of education/school.
> How about the following mailing list description?
> "Discussion about beginner issues in learning Haskell"
> Would this be suitable?

It differs from/is more general than your original interests/aims:

    2) To provide a primarily non-research-oriented discussion forum 
    to serve the needs of non-computer-science students of Haskell 
    who wish to focus on Haskell as a language for learning programming 
    as part of a well-rounded a liberal arts education, as opposed to an 
    engineering/mathematics/science-oriented education.

    The primary audience of this new mailing list would be [educators and]
    students in a liberal arts curriculum who are interested in studying Haskell 
    for studying functional programming. 

but whether that is a good thing or not, I couldn't say. I was merely
suggesting that thinking in more detail about the charter and possible
users of that list might help you see whether it is likely to serve your
interests, or serve other needs in the community. I had the feeling 
that, while most posters were positive about a new list/forum, they
actually had quite different ideas regarding the purpose/target audience
for that list, each assuming that this list would be "their" list. Names 
can follow once the purpose is clear.

> The overall reasoning by users against that name was that it was not
> suitable because it confused teaching and learning, without clearly
> separating the two issues.  Would you have an argument that I could
> use to refute this theory?

"There is no teaching, only contexts for learning"?-) The argument
was that lists for those engaged in learning and those engaged in 
providing suitable learning contexts should be separate, not that
edu@ couldn't be used as a name for either list (although it might
not be specific enough for (2), and too specific for your new


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