[Haskell] Re: on starting Haskell-Edu, a new education-related Haskell-related mailing list

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 11:04:16 EDT 2008

Jonathan Cast wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 15:04 +0100, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:
>> Dave Bayer wrote: 
>>> I participate in various lists and 
>>> various forums. That Haskell uses 
>>> lists has crippled my participation
>>> here; I am quite sure I am not alone.
>>> Nabble and the like do not substitute
>>> for real forum software.
>> I'm sure you're not alone, but I'm equally sure that there are many
>> people like me whose participation would be crippled by any switch to a
>> forum. And I don't use an emacs mode for my email, nor have I written my
>> own Lisp.
>> Given the growth in traffic on haskell-cafe, perhaps offering a forum
>> *as well* would be a reasonable thing to do. There are now enough people
>> around that having multiple venues for discussion wouldn't be too
>> damaging.
> +1 for *this*.

Absolutely; I'm sure it's been said in the past that it would be generally 
a good thing for someone to set up forums to be used in addition to the 
mailing lists.

I'm probably amongst those that won't participate much in the forums 
because I find them frustratingly slow to navigate, but I don't see any 
reason why we shouldn't *have* forums at all.  We just need someone to set 
it up and do the admin.  Volunteers?


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