[Haskell] Empty instance declaration

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu Jan 3 08:23:03 EST 2008

ajb at spamcop.net wrote:

> One thing that hasn't come up yet is that empty instance declarations
> are the only decent option (that I know of) that we have in the
> absence of real class aliases.

It does seem to me that compilers could reasonably distinguish between
incomplete definition:

> > class (Monad m, Ord t) => ReVars m t where { }
> > instance (Monad m, Ord t) => ReVars m t where { }

and intentionally incomplete definition:

    class (Monad m, Ord t) => ReVars m t
    instance (Monad m, Ord t) => ReVars m t

Both syntaxes (with and without the 'where') are currently legal, but
the latter is more obviously deliberate (at least to this human reader).


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