[Haskell] Haskell fast (?) arrays

Federico Squartini federico.squartini at googlemail.com
Tue May 1 10:36:25 EDT 2007

Of course I know that the list version is very unfair, but I wanted to see
what was the trade off between elegance and speed.
Regarding whether low level programming makes sense or not, I was just
curious to see what are the limits of Haskell. Moreover there is not much
literature on high performance Haskell programming (tricks like
unsafeWrite), at least organized in a systematic and concise way.

My original problem was writing a  fast library for simple matrix
computations (i.e. multiplication and inversion for small dense matrices).
I have not been able to make GSLHaskell work with Lapack so far. :(

Anyway here are the new versions and timings, I increased the number of
times the vector is reversed, I also compiled everything with -O2.

time ./arrayC
real    0m0.244s
user    0m0.236s
sys    0m0.005s

time ./list
real    0m11.036s
user    0m10.770s
sys    0m0.118s

time ./IOMutArrayUnboxed
real    0m2.573s
user    0m2.408s
sys    0m0.042s

time ./IOMutUnbUnsafe
real    0m2.264s
user    0m2.183s
sys    0m0.025s


//compile with g++ -O2 -o arrayC arrayC.cc
#include < stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
  int array[500001];

  for (int i=0;i<=500000;i++)
  int tmp=0;
  for (int cnt=0;cnt<120;cnt++)
      for (int x=0;x<=250000;x++)
  int result=0;
  for (int i=0;i<=500000;i++)
  result=result % 911;
  return 0;


-- compile with
-- ghc -O2 --make -o list list.hs

module Main

import Data.List

testArray = [ (19*i+23) `mod` 911 |i <- [0..500000]]

sumArrayMod =  foldl (\x y -> (y+x) `mod` 911) 0

main = print $ sumArrayMod$
       foldl (.) id  (replicate 120 reverse) $testArray


-- compile with
-- ghc -O2 --make -o IOMutArrayUnboxed IOMutArrayUnboxed.hs
module Main

import Monad
import Data.Array.IO <http://data.array.io/>
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed

total, semiTotal ::Int
total= 500000 <javascript:void(0)>

testArray :: IO (IOUArray Int Int)
testArray = newListArray (0,total)  [(19*i+23) `mod` 911 |i <- [0..total]]

reverseArray :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO ()
reverseArray arr = mapM_  (\i -> do oldi <- readArray arr i
                                    oldj <- readArray arr (total-i)
                                    writeArray arr i oldj
                                    writeArray arr (total-i) oldi)

sumArrayMod :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO Int
sumArrayMod arr = foldM (\s i -> do x <- readArray arr i
                                    return   $!(s+x) `mod` 911) 0 [0..total]

main = testArray >>= \a ->
       sequence  (replicate 120 $reverseArray a)>>
       sumArrayMod a >>=  print


-- compile with
-- ghc -O2 --make -o IOMutUnbUnsafe IOMutUnbUnsafe.hs
module Main

import Monad
import Data.Array.IO <http://data.array.io/>
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Base ( unsafeWrite, unsafeRead )

total, semiTotal ::Int
total= 500000 <javascript:void(0)>

testArray :: IO (IOUArray Int Int)
testArray = newListArray (0,total)  [(19*i+23) `mod` 911 |i <- [0..total]]

reverseArray :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO ()
reverseArray arr = mapM_  (\i -> do oldi <- unsafeRead arr i
                                    oldj <- unsafeRead arr (total-i)
                                    unsafeWrite arr i oldj
                                    unsafeWrite arr (total-i) oldi)

sumArrayMod :: IOUArray Int Int -> IO Int
sumArrayMod arr = foldM (\s i -> do x <- unsafeRead arr i
                                    return   $!(s+x) `mod` 911) 0 [0..total]

main = testArray >>= \a ->
       doFromTo 1 120 (\_ -> reverseArray a) >> sumArrayMod a >>=  print

{-# INLINE doFromTo #-}
-- do the action for [from..to], ie it's inclusive.
doFromTo :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
doFromTo from to action =
  let loop n | n > to   = return ()
             | otherwise = do action n
                              loop (n+1)
   in loop from

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