[Haskell] Call for Submissions - First Workshop on Languages and
Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming (LTPD 2007)
heron_carvalho at bol.com.br
Sun Jul 29 23:19:07 EDT 2007
First Workshop on Languages and Tools for
Parallel and Distributed Programming (LTPD 2007)
Gramado, RS - Brazil
Co-located with SBAC-PAD 2007 (24-27 October 2007)
*** Submissão de artigos: 24 de Agosto ***
The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers working
on the design and implementation of programming languages, tools and
techniques for distributed, parallel and mobile programming.
Submitted papers should present original research that is unpublished
and not submitted elsewhere. We encourage the submission of work in
progress, especially by MSc and PhD students. We plan to provide a
friendly environment where researchers can discuss current
and future trends in programming languages for parallel and
distributed programming.
Papers can be written in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Papers
should have 4 pages, following the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. All accepted papers will be
published in the On-Line conference proceedings, and as a technical
report. The SBAC-PAD organization will also publish the electronic
proceedings in CD. We plan to publish selected high quality papers
from the proceedings in a local brazilian journal.
At least one author of an accepted paper must attend the workshop
and all workshop attendees must be registered to SBAC-PAD.
Topics of Interest
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Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Programming Multi-Core Machines
* Coordination Languages
* Concurrent and Parallel Garbage Collection
* Type systems and semantics for parallel, distributed and mobile languages
* Declarative parallel, distributed and mobile languages
* Languages for mobile and ubiquitous computing
* Calculi for Mobility and Concurrency
* Design Patterns
* Distributed Objects
* Distributed Component Models
* Mobile Agents Languages
* Software issues for multicore or multithreaded processors
Important Dates
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* Deadline for paper submission: August 24, 2007
* Accepted Papers Notification: September 10, 2007
* Camera-Ready Submission: September 17, 2007
Organizing Committee
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André Rauber Du Bois (Chair) - UCPel
Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior (Chair)- UFC
Program Committe
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Adenauer Correa Yammin - UCPel
Alcides Calsavara - PUCPR
Álvaro Freitas Moreira - UFRGS
André Rauber Du Bois - UCPel
André Santos - UFPE
Claudio Fernando Resin Geyer - UFRGS
Cristiano Vasconcellos - UFPel
Francisco Heron De Carvalho Jr - UFC
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl - LMU, Germany
Iara Augustin - UFSM
Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa - Unisinos
Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente - PUC-MG
Phil Trinder - Heriot-Watt University, UK
Rafael Dueire Lins - UFPE
Ricardo Corrêa - UFC
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