[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Last Call for Participation

Torsten Grust grust at in.tum.de
Tue Jan 2 05:52:10 EST 2007

                       Last Call for Participation

                          P L A N - X   2 0 0 7
                Programming Language Technologies for XML

            An ACM SIGPLAN Workshop collocated with POPL 2007

                     Nice, France -- January 20, 2007


Please join us for PLAN-X 2007, the fifth workshop in the PLAN-X series,
dedicated to the interaction and integration of programming language
technology and the world of XML.

The XML data model and its associated languages add interesting twists
to programming language practice as well as theory. Just like its four
predecessors, the PLAN-X 2007 workshop turns the spotlight on how
programming language technology can embrace and explain streaming XML
transformations, types for XPath and XML updates, web service contracts,
tree patterns in XQuery, LINQ and XML Schema, and more. PLAN-X 2007 will
feature eight talks, four system demonstrations, extensive opportunity
for discussion, and a keynote address by Christoph Koch (U Saarland,

PLAN-X 2007 will be held in the Plaza Hotel (Nice, France) all-day on
Saturday, January 20, 2007, just after and collocated with POPL 2007,
the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages (January 17-19, 2007).

-- PROGRAM (Saturday, January 20, 2007)

    09:00--10:00     Welcome
                     Invited Talk by Christoph Koch (U Saarland,  
                     XPath Leashed

    10:00--10:30     Coffee break

    10:30--12:00     Session 1: Research Papers
                     Streaming XML Transformations Using Term Rewriting
                       (Alain Frisch, Keisuke Nakano)
                     How to Recognise Different Kinds of Tree Patterns
                     From Quite a Long Way Away
                       (Jan Hidders, Philippe Michiels, Jerome Simeon,
                       Roel Vercammen)
                     Lux: A Lightweight, Statically Typed XML Update
                       (James Cheney)

    12:00--01:30     Workshop lunch (provided)

    01:30--03:10     Session 2: Research Papers and Demo Presentations
                     A Theory of Contracts for Web Services
                       (Giuseppe Castagna, Nils Gesbert, Luca Padovani)
                     XML Transformation Language Based on Monadic
                     Second Order Logic
                       (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)

                     Demo: MTran: An XML Transformation Language  
Bases on
                     Monadic Second Order Logic
                       (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)
                     Demo: XCentric: A Logic-Programming Language for
                     XML Processing
                       (Jorge Coelho, Mário Florido)
                     Demo: LINQ to XSD
                       (Ralf Lämmel)
                     Demo: GeLaBa: A Framework to Define Classes of
                     XML Documents and to Automatically Derive
                     Specialized Infrastructures
                       (Benoit Pin, Georges André Silber)

    03:10--04:00     Interactive Demos and Coffee break

    04:00--05:30     Session 3: Research Papers
                     XPath Typing Using a Modal Logic with Converse for
                     Finite Trees
                       (Pierre Geneves, Nabil Layaida, Alan Schmitt)
                     Deciding Equivalence of Top-Down XML  
                     in Polynomial Time
                       (Sebastian Maneth, Helmut Seidl)
                     A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On:
                     Unordered Tree Types in Practice
                       (Nate Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alan Schmitt)


PLAN-X 2007 is held in cooperation with POPL 2007. You can register for
the workshop via the POPL 2007 registration process (online or offline).
Please visit


Registration rates are shown below. Note that you can upgrade an
existing POPL 2007 registration to include PLAN-X 2007. Workshop-only
registration is possible as well.

         ACM or SIGPLAN Member       $89
         Non-Member                  $99
         Student                     $89

Your registration includes a copy of the PLAN-X 2007 informal
proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunch.

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

   - General Chair               - Program Chair

     Torsten Grust                 Giorgio Ghelli
     TU München                    U Pisa
     Munich, Germany               Pisa, Italy
     grust at in.tum.de               ghelli at di.unipi.it

-- PLAN-X 2007 Program Committee

   - Michael Benedikt             (Lucent, USA)
   - Daniela Florescu             (Oracle, USA)
   - Alain Frisch                 (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
   - Giorgio Ghelli, Chair        (U Pisa, Italy)
   - Haruo Hosoya                 (U Tokyo, Japan)
   - Anders Møller                (U Aarhus, Denmark)
   - Mukund Raghavachari          (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
   - Alan Schmitt                 (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)
   - Sophie Tison                 (U Lille, France)
   - Philip Wadler                (U Edinburgh, UK)

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