Peter Morris morrispwj at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 09:42:36 EST 2007

Hi everybody,

You may be interested to know that we (Thorsten Altenkirch, Tarmo Uustalu
& myself) are organizing a small TYPES workshop on *Dependently
Typed Programming*. This is a workshop in the tradition of previous
workshops on "Dependent Types in Programming" and "Dependently
Typed Programming" which cover the use of dependent types in
programming in languages like Agda, Cayenne, Coq's CIC, DML,
Epigram, Omega, ...

The workshop is taking place 18-20 February in Nottingham at the NCSL
conference centre. This is on campus but much nicer than the usual
student accommodation!

The invited speakers at the workshop will be Lennart Augustsson and
Xavier Leroy.

For more details see the web page:

http://sneezy.cs.nott.ac.uk/darcs/DTP08 <http://sneezy.cs.nott.ac.uk/darcs/>

The deadline for talks and registration will be in January. However, if
you know you would like to come we would appreciate it if you could
email us (_ at _ dtpnott08 cs.nott.ac.uk) as soon as possible to register
your intentions. We have to promise a certain number of rooms and you
will also ensure you get accommodation at the NCSL.

The Organizers
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