[Haskell] CFP: 3rd Int'l Workshop on Automated Specification and
Verification of Web Systems (WWV'07)
demis at dimi.uniud.it
Thu Aug 2 11:01:30 EDT 2007
[ We apologize for multiple copies ]
Preliminary Call For Papers
3rd International Workshop on Automated
Specification and Verification
of Web Systems (WWV'07)
San Servolo island, Venice (Italy)
December 14, 2007
The increased complexity of Web sites and the explosive growth of
Web-based applications has turned their design and construction into
a challenging problem. Nowadays, many companies have diverted their
Web sites into interactive, completely-automated, Web-based
applications (such as Amazon, on-line banking, or travel agencies)
with a high complexity that requires appropriate specification and
verification techniques and tools. Systematic, formal approaches to
the analysis and verification can address the problems of this
particular domain with automated and reliable tools that also
incorporate semantic aspects.
We solicit original papers on formal methods and techniques applied
to Web sites, Web services or Web-based applications, such as:
* rule-based approaches to Web site analysis, certification,
specification, verification, and optimization
* formal models for describing and reasoning about Web sites
* model-checking, synthesis and debugging of Web sites
* abstract interpretation and program transformation applied
to the semantic Web
* intelligent tutoring and advisory systems for Web specifications
* Web quality and Web metrics
* Web usability and accessibility
* Testing and evaluation of Web systems and applications
The WWV series provides a forum for researchers from the communities
of Rule-based programming, Automated Software Engineering, and
Web-oriented research to facilitate the cross-fertilization and the
advancement of hybrid methods that combine the three areas.
WWV'07 will be held in December in the convention centre of the
island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
Submissions must be received by October 21, 2007. In addition, an
ASCII version of the title and abstract must have been submitted by
October 14, 2007. Submitted papers should be at most 15 pages in the
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) style, and
should include an abstract and the author's information. See the
author's instructions of ENTCS style at http://www.entcs.org.
Accepted papers will be published in a preliminary proceedings volume,
which will be available during the workshop. Publication of the workshop
post-proceedings in the Elsevier series Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science (ENTCS) is envisaged.
Santiago Escobar (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
Massimo Marchiori (University of Padova, Italy)
Demis Ballis (University of Udine, Italy)
(to be announced)
Abstract Submission October 14, 2007
Full Paper Submission October 21, 2007
Acceptance Notification November 12, 2007
Camera Ready November 23, 2007
Workshop December 14, 2007 (temptative)
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