[Haskell] Ambiguous type variable when using Data.Generic

Bas van Dijk basvandijk at home.nl
Sat May 20 10:50:16 EDT 2006


I'm writing a function 'preProcess' that simplifies the AST that comes out of 
Language.Haskell.Parser.parseModule. Simplifying means rewriting infix 
applications to normal prefix applications (in both patterns and 
expressions), removing parentheses, rewriting guards to if-then-else 
expressions, etc..

At the moment I use Data.Generic to traverse the AST and apply simplification 
functions to the different values. Like this:

preProcess :: HsModule -> HsModule
preProcess = em simplifyRhs . em simplifyPat . em simplifyExp
      em f = everywhere (mkT f)

      simplifyExp :: HsExp -> HsExp
      simplifyExp (HsInfixApp e1 op e2) = HsApp (HsApp (opToExp op) e1) e2
      simplifyExp (HsLeftSection  e  op)= HsApp (opToExp op) e
      simplifyExp (HsRightSection op e) = HsApp (opToExp op) e
      simplifyExp (HsParen e) = e
      simplifyExp e = e

      opToExp (HsQVarOp name) = HsVar name
      opToExp (HsQConOp name) = HsCon name

      simplifyPat :: HsPat -> HsPat
      simplifyPat (HsPInfixApp p1 consName p2) = HsPApp consName [p1, p2]
      simplifyPat (HsPParen p) = p
      simplifyPat p = p

      simplifyRhs :: HsRhs -> HsRhs
      simplifyRhs (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsUnGuardedRhs $ makeIf rhss
            makeIf :: [HsGuardedRhs] -> HsExp
            makeIf [] = nonExhaustivePatternError
            makeIf (HsGuardedRhs _ con exp : rhss) = 
                 HsIf con exp $ makeIf rhss

            nonExhaustivePatternError = 
                HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "error")))
                      (HsLit (HsString "Non-exhaustive patterns"))

      simplifyRhs rhs = rhs

This works, however I would like to have a single function 'simplify' that can 
be applied to different values in the AST. This calls for a class Simplify 
with instances for expressions, patterns, etc.:

preProcess :: HsModule -> HsModule
preProcess = everywhere (mkT simplify)  

class Simplify a where
    simplify :: a -> a

instance Simplify HsExp where
    simplify (HsInfixApp e1 op e2) = HsApp (HsApp (opToExp op) e1) e2
    simplify (HsLeftSection  e  op)= HsApp (opToExp op) e
    simplify (HsRightSection op e) = HsApp (opToExp op) e
    simplify (HsParen e) = e
    simplify e = e
instance Simplify HsPat where
    simplify (HsPInfixApp p1 consName p2) = HsPApp consName [p1, p2]
    simplify (HsPParen p) = p
    simplify p = p

instance Simplify HsRhs where
      simplify (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsUnGuardedRhs $ makeIf rhss
            makeIf :: [HsGuardedRhs] -> HsExp
            makeIf [] = nonExhaustivePatternError
            makeIf (HsGuardedRhs _ con exp : rhss) = 
                  HsIf con exp $ makeIf rhss

            nonExhaustivePatternError = 
                HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "error")))
                      (HsLit (HsString "Non-exhaustive patterns"))

      simplify rhs = rhs

opToExp (HsQVarOp name) = HsVar name
opToExp (HsQConOp name) = HsCon name

However, compiling the above gives the following type error:

Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraints:
      `Typeable b' arising from use of `mkT' at Special.hs:145:25-27
      `Simplify b' arising from use of `simplify' at Special.hs:145:29-36
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

How can I make this work?


Bas van Dijk

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