[Haskell] Call for Participation: PLAS 2006

Steve Zdancewic stevez at cis.upenn.edu
Wed May 10 14:19:17 EDT 2006

			Call for Participation

                                  PLAS 2006

                            ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
                 Programming Languages and Analysis for Security


                             co-located with

                          ACM SIGPLAN PLDI 2006
      Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
                      Ottawa, Canada, June 10, 2006


         IMPORTANT: Early registration deadline is May 17, 2006


We encourage you to attend the first instance of the PLAS workshop!

The goal of PLAS 2006 is to provide a forum for researchers and
practitioners to exchange and understand ideas and to seed new
collaboration on the use of programming language and program analysis
techniques that improve the security of software systems.

The preliminary program can be found on the workshop web pages:

Workshop highlights:
  - An invited talk by David Wagner of U.C. Berkeley
    "Object Capabilities for Security"

  - 10 paper presentations, ranging in topics from authorization and
    monitoring to web vulnerability detection and information-flow

  - A "madness" session, in which any interested participants have 5
    minutes to present provocative, preliminary, or unusual work.
    Student participation is especially encouraged.

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