[Haskell] timing/timeout (how to express that in Haskell)
Mirko Rahn
rahn at ira.uka.de
Fri May 12 05:10:14 EDT 2006
Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> watchdogIO :: Int -- milliseconds
> -> IO a -- expensive computation
> -> IO a -- cheap computation
> -> IO a
I'm not satisfied by the given function completely. Suppose the wrappers
for pure computations
watchdog1 :: Int -> a -> IO (Maybe a)
watchdog1 millis x =
watchdogIO millis (return (Just x))
(return Nothing)
watchdog2 :: Int -> a -> IO (Maybe a)
watchdog2 millis x =
watchdogIO millis (x `seq` return (Just x))
(return Nothing)
and the (expensive) function
grundy :: Integer -> Integer
grundy n = mex [ grundy k | k <- [0..pred n] ]
where mex xs = head [ k | k <- [0..] , not (elem k xs) ]
*NG> Util.IO.Within.watchdog1 1000 (grundy 15) >>= print
EXPENSIVE was used
Just 15
(0.26 secs, 12677644 bytes)
*NG> Util.IO.Within.watchdog1 1000 (grundy 20) >>= print
EXPENSIVE was used
Just 20
(8.35 secs, 395376708 bytes)
So watchdog1 is'nt the right choice. Let's use watchdog2:
*NG> Util.IO.Within.watchdog2 1000 (grundy 15) >>= print
EXPENSIVE was used
Just 15
(0.27 secs, 13075340 bytes)
*NG> Util.IO.Within.watchdog2 1000 (grundy 20) >>= print
WATCHDOG after 1000 milliseconds
(1.08 secs, 49634204 bytes)
Looks better, but:
*NG> Util.IO.Within.watchdog2 1000 (map grundy [0..20]) >>= print
EXPENSIVE was used
Just [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
(16.81 secs, 790627600 bytes)
So what we really need is a deepSeq once more.
Regards, Mirko
-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~rahn/ ---
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