[Haskell] Takusen

Bayley, Alistair Alistair_Bayley at invescoperpetual.co.uk
Thu May 4 06:58:36 EDT 2006

> From: haskell-bounces at haskell.org 
> [mailto:haskell-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Joel Reymont
> Folks,
> I cannot check out Takusen from haskell-libs on Source Forge, 
> neither  
> an empty password nor anonymous works. Has anyone seen this?
> Does Takusen support SQL templates with variable bindings or is the  
> idea that I form the SQL text myself? How should I plug in numeric  
> ids and such into the text of the where clause, for example?
> Last but not least, are there any examples besides the library itself?
> 	Thanks, Joel

I suppose I should comment on Takusen, as there hasn't been any news for
a while.

I don't know why you can't check out from Source Forge...sorry. Perhaps
you could ask Shae to add you to the project.

Oleg and I are in the process of migrating it from haskell-libs to darcs
(SimonM gave us access to the repo as haskell.org, I think, some time
ago). Also, the current version in the experimental branch is a bit
broken at present, as Oleg redesigned the API a while ago, and I'm still
catching up on the implementations. Currently PostgreSQL and Sqlite
work, and Oracle... well, it's next on my list, but don't hold your
breath, as I don't get a lot of spare time to work on it.

I should be able to identify an appropriate older version that will
compile, if you want.

Support for SQL Templates... well, we support bind variables, if that's
what you mean. Sounds like what you want.

As for examples, there's just what's in the test modules that you'll get
with the library.

What's your goal with using Takusen? I hate to say it, but right now
HaskellDB+HSQL is probably going to give you a better database API for
Oracle, at least until I pull my finger out and finish updating the
various back-ends, and complete the move to darcs. Is there something
you need that HaskellDB+HSQL doesn't support?

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