[Haskell] Haskell as a markup language

shelarcy shelarcy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 02:37:54 EST 2006

On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 17:46:47 +0900, <oleg at pobox.com> wrote:
> We demonstrate that Haskell as it is, with no TH or other
> pre-processors, can rather concisely represent semi-structured
> documents and the rules of their processing. In short, Haskell can
> implement SXML (ssax.sourceforge.net), right in its syntax and with
> the *open* and extensible set of `tags'. The benefit of Haskell is of
> course in static type guarantees, such as prohibiting an H1 element to
> appear in the character content of other elements. It also seems that
> the specification of various pre-post-order and context-sensitive
> traversals is more concise in Haskell compared to Scheme. Again, we
> are talking about the existing Haskell, i.e., Haskell98 plus common
> extensions. No Template Haskell or even overlapping instances are
> required.

It's Great!
But ... replacing my HTML Generator from SXML, I face s problems.

> We should note that |title| -- which can be either an element or an
> attribute -- is indeed rendered differently depending on the context.
> Just to emphasize the extensibility of the framework, we show how easy
> it is to add new elements. For example, the `tags' |longdash|, |a|, |div|
> and |title| are not defined in the base file HSXML.hs. We add these
> tags in sample1c.hs, as follows:
> Let us start with an abbreviation for the long dash. It may appear in
> the character content of an element or an attribute
>> data LongDash = LongDash deriving Show
>> longdash :: Check_ia LongDash ct => HW ct LongDash
>> longdash = HW LongDash
>> -- and how to render it in HTML
>> instance RenderInline (HW ct LongDash) where
>>    render_inline f _ = emit_lit "&mdash;" >> return f
> Actually, the latter instance describes rendering of longdash in any
> |MonadRender m| -- any monad that defines morphisms |emit|,
> |emit_elem| and |emit_attr|.
> Anchor is an inline element with an inline content
>> data Anchor a b = Anchor a b deriving Show
>> a attrs body =
>>   build (as_inline . HW . Anchor (as_block attrs) . rev'apppend HNil)
>> 	nil_inline body
>> instance (Render a, RenderInline b) =>RenderInline (HW ct (Anchor a b))  
>> where
>>     render_inline f (HW (Anchor attrs body)) =
>> 	emit_elem "a" [] (Just (render attrs)) (render_ib body)
>> 	>> return False
> Title can be either
>     - a block-level element whose content is CT_inline
>     - an attribute (whose content is, therefore, CT_attr)
>> newtype Title a = Title a deriving Show
>> title x = build ((`as_ctx`  co) . HW . Title . rev'apppend HNil) nil_ab  
>> x
>>    where nil_ab = HW HNil `as_ctx` ci
>> 	  (ci,co) = title_ctx
>> class Check_ia (Title ()) i => TitleCtx i o | i -> o, o -> i where
>>     title_ctx :: (HW i a, HW o a) ; title_ctx = undefined
>> instance TitleCtx CT_attr CT_battr
>> instance TitleCtx CT_inline CT_block
> It can be rendered context-sensitively:
>> instance RenderInline a => Render (HW CT_battr (Title a)) where
>>    render (HW (Title x)) = emit_attr "title"
>> 			     ((render_inline False x) >> return ())
>> instance RenderInline a => Render (HW CT_block (Title a)) where
>>    render (HW (Title x)) = emit_elem "title" [Hint_nl] Nothing
>> 			     (render_ib x)

Okay, I know how to add element, attribute and Character Entity
References ... but how to write placeholder - pseudo element and
pseudo attribute in HSXML?

SXML can add useful function for macro, like this;

(define (M:link keyword url)
    `(a (@ (href ,url)) ,keyword))

(define (M:link_amazon keyword asin)
    (M:link keyword
	 `("http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/" ,asin "/someone_id/")))

(define (M:book keyword urn)
    `((cite ,(M:link keyword `("urn:isbn:" ,urn)))
	" (" ,(M:link_amazon "Amazon" urn) ") "))

and M:link can use SXML code in its parameter any place;

,(M:link `("SXML " (em "can write") " this.") "http://foo.bar/")

But if use HSXML, I must write rest of List in last parameter,

link url keyword = a (attr [href url]) keyword
linkToAmazon asin keyword = link (URL $ concat
["http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/", asin, "/someone_id/"])

and can't write part of code. So I must wirte code like this form,

book urn first rest keyword = p first [[link (URL $ concat ["urn:isbn:",
urn]) keyword]] "(" [[linkToAmazon urn "Amazon"]] ")" rest

I think this is less convenient than SXML.

shelarcy <shelarcy capella.freemail.ne.jp>

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