[Haskell] Google SoC: Software Transactional Memory for Parrot

Audrey Tang autrijus at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 19:58:17 EDT 2006

¦b 2006/6/27 ¤W¤È 12:09 ®É¡ABulat Ziganshin ¼g¨ì¡G
> Software Transactional Memory for Parrot
> by Charles Albert Reiss, mentored by Leopold Toetsch
> (mentioned on http://code.google.com/soc/tpf/about.html )
> it seems that Haskell continues to be a source of new technologies for
> other languages.

Yeah, that's there to enable a port of Pugs's current STM semantics,  
which already does Perl 6 STM, taking advantage of GHC's native  
support. :-)


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