[Haskell] Comments from Brent Fulgham on Haskell and the shootout

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Tue Jun 27 05:44:45 EDT 2006

Brent Fulgham has given me permission to share this message that he sent
to us about his views on Haskell and the Great Computer Language
Shootout.  There's some nice advocacy material in here.

I'd like to publicly thank Brent for all his work on the shootout -
benchmarking 50 or so different language implementations and getting any
kind of useful results at all is a significant feat.  The shootout
results have also influenced our direction in the Haskell community and
GHC in particular.

Here's the message, for your enjoyment...

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Dear Drs. Hudak and Peyton-Jones:

(Feel free to forward these comments to anyone you think would enjoy  

A couple of years ago I revived the dormant "Great Computer Language  
Shootout" website because I wanted to create an up-to-date comparison  
of language implementations to use as ammunition against my nay- 
saying coworkers over the state of the art in Computer Science.  Back  
in those days, I was mainly interested in the performance of  
Objective Caml and Lisp, but was also interested in a new (to me)  
language called Haskell .

Haskell had (and still has) a beautiful, mathematical notation that  
was very easy to read, but it was such a poor performer that I  
despaired of ever getting to use it for anything but simple test  
programs.  While it was conceptually satisfying, pragmatism seemed  
destined to keep it on the shelf for the foreseeable future.

I wanted to write to inform you how shocked I was to see the great  
advances in performance in the Glorious Haskell Compiler over the  
last year or so.  Of course, we have also benefited from some great  
contributions by the folks on the Haskell-Cafe mailing list.

The thing I find most staggering about the compiler is that its quite  
brilliant at identifying wasted work.  Many of the original shootout  
test cases were written to test the performance of simple scripting  
languages, and had grown a set of hacks over the years to keep the  
run times large enough to measure as processor speeds improved and  
language implementations became more sophisticated.  In many cases,  
tests involved calculation or large values in loops, which would  
cause Perl and Python (and even C, Java, and C++) to chug merrily  
away burning cycles so that I could measure the timings in seconds,  
rather than microseconds.

Then along came GHC, which began achieving enormous wins over the  
other languages because the lazy nature of the evaluation threw out  
the unneeded calculations, handing over the final useful result  
without breaking a sweat.  Consequently, we had to revise many of the  
tests to force the programs to perform real work that could not be  
avoided, in some cases by forcing intermediate values to be printed  
in the solutions so we could be sure the work was actually being  
done.  With those changes, Haskell began to fall back in speed to  
more moderate levels.

However, in the last few releases of GHC (and the last several rounds  
of tweaks by the Haskellers on the Cafe list), GHC has risen to the  
top of the heap, approaching native C in performance overall.  What I  
find quite appealing about this is that the performance is consistent  
across platforms.  While Java's "HotSpot" compiler makes a good  
showing on Intel, my AMD test machine yields consistently worse  
results than the Pentium IV system.  However, GHC performs equally  
well on both systems, yielding a similar fractional performance  
against C in both cases[1,2].

I think this is great because it means that applications written in  
Haskell can be reasonably expected to yield good performance on all  
of the common x86 platforms without customizations.  Java and several  
other languages seem to yield varying performance, probably because  
of advanced optimizations available on the Intel platform that have  
been hand-coded into those systems.

At any rate, I just wanted to write a quick fan letter about Haskell,  
and let you know how impressed I am with its performance.  Looks like  
it's time for me to start taking a serious look at Haskell for some  
real-world problems at work now!

Best regards,

Brent Fulgham

[1]  "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php? 
[2]  "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/debian/benchmark.php? 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (Darwin)


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