[Haskell] extensible records using associated types

Barney Hilken b.hilken at ntlworld.com
Thu Jun 22 16:47:56 EDT 2006

Manuel M T Chakravarty:
> This is problematic as the instance heads are distinguished only by  
> the
> context; ie, both instances are for `Lacks m (N a r)'.  Haskell's
> instance selection mechanism (with or without associated types)  
> selects
> instances purely by looking at the arguments of the class; hence, you
> cannot use instance context as a kind of guard to guide instance
> selection.

A pity. Would resolving instance declarations as Horn clauses be  
useful to deal with any other examples of overlapping instances?

If you don't mind the code for each new label being linear in the  
number of previous labels (so the total code is quadratic in the  
global number of labels) the idea can be rescued.

Get rid of (:<:), and keep the same definitions of Constructor,  
Contains, Lacks, Disjoint and Empty, and the same instances of 'Lacks  
n Empty' and 'Disjoint Empty r'.

For each label 'N', define:

 >	data N a r = N a r
 >	instance Contains N (N a r) where
 >		type Project N (N a r) = a			
 >		type Delete N (N a r) = r			
 >		project N (N x t) = x			
 >		delete N (N x t) = t			
 >	instance Disjoint r s, Lacks N (Union r s) => Disjoint (N a r) s  
 >		type Union (N a r) s = Extend N a (Union r s)
 >		union (N x t) u = extend N x (union t u)

and for each previous label 'M', define:

 >	instance Contains M r => Contains M (N a r) where
 >		type Project M (N a r) = Project M r			
 >		type Delete M (N a r) = N a (Delete M r)	
 >		project M (N x t) = project M t			
 >		delete M (N x t) = N x (delete M t)
 >	instance Lacks M r => Lacks M (N a r) where
 >		type Extend M b (N a r) = N a (Extend M b r)			
 >		extend M y (N x t) = N x (extend M y t)			
 >	instance Lacks N (M a r) where
 >		type Extend N b (M a r) = N b (M a r)			
 >		extend N y (M x t) = N y (M x t)			

This saves the bother of fiddling with (:<:) but means that every  
time you import a module which declares labels you would have to  
generate code for the interactions between each new label and each  
existing one.

At least it's not exponential!


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