[Haskell] GADTs are not nice to me ;-)

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang at jeltsch.net
Mon Jul 3 12:16:15 EDT 2006

Am Montag, 3. Juli 2006 16:49 schrieb Chris Kuklewicz:
> I cut and pasted your code into ghci-6.4.2 with -fglasgow-exts and there
> was no error.  And I can (print (showSnd (Pair A True)) and (print (showSnd
> (Pair B 8))) but when I try to compile it with ghc-6.4.2 it complains about
> the Show instance.  I find this deeply wierd, and it seems like a bug.

Thank you for this information.  I've reported this as a bug now.

Best wishes,

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