[Haskell] Simple IO Regions

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Jan 17 10:11:32 EST 2006

I really like this Oleg... I think I will use this myself as much as 
possible in future... As my DB code already uses bracket notation and an 
opaque/abstract DB handle type, it should be quite easy to incorporate 
this, without changing the interface... Cool!


oleg at pobox.com wrote:

>This message shows a very simple implementation of Monadic Regions
>(for the particular case of IO and reading the file). The technique
>*statically* guarantees that neither a file handle nor any computation
>involving the handle can leak outside of the region that created
>it. Therefore, the handle can be safely closed (and its resources
>disposed of) whenever control leaves the corresponding 'withFile'
>block. Many handles can be open simultaneously, the type system
>enforces the proper nesting of their regions. The technique has no
>run-time overhead and induces no run-time errors. Unlike the previous
>implementation of monadic regions, only the basic extensions
>(higher-ranked types and one two-parameter type class) are used. No
>undecidable instances, no functional dependencies (let alone
>overlapping instances) are required. In fact, the implementation uses
>only one trivial typeclass and one trivial instance. 
>Perhaps such an approach to File IO can be more widely used? It
>trivially generalizes to database IO and other kinds of IO.
>The motivation for monadic regions has been best explained by:
>Brandon Moore wrote on Haskell Cafe:
>>I'm assuming you understand how the type on runST and the STRef
>>operations ensure that, even though you *can* smuggle out an STRef in
>>the result from runST, you will never be able to use it again.
>>The idea was to do the equivalent thing with databases: use fancy types
>>to ensure that handle can only be used inside to origination withDB or
>>withCursor or whatever, and the bracketing function can release the
>>resource on the way out, without worrying about it being used again.
>Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>>I think this is an extremely good idea. I have been very frustrated
>>with finalizers because of their limitations (can't rely on them being
>>called at all), so have (reluctantly) been using the unsafe bracket
>>version. Making it safe via a type system trick is really the way to
>Let us start with the tests
>>{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
>>module IORegionsTest where
>>import IORegions -- see below
>>test0 = withFile "/etc/motd" (const $ return True)
>>reader q = do
>>	     c1 <- qGetChar q
>>	     c2 <- qGetChar q
>>	     return [c1,c2]
>>test1 = withFile "/etc/motd" reader
>>test1r = runIOM test1 >>= print
>Instead of handles, we have Qs -- marked handles. The are created by
>the function withFile and used similar to regular handles. A special
>IOM monad is a newtype away from the regular IO. The phantom type
>parameter of the IOM monad maintains the marks of the regions.
>	*IORegionsTest> :t reader
>	reader :: (Monad (IOM marks), IORegions.IN mark marks) =>
>		  Q mark -> IOM marks [Char]
>the type of the reader shows that it takes a marked handle and yields
>a marked IO computation. The constraint IN assures that the
>computation must be marked with the mark of the handle.
>If we attempt to leak the handle:
>*> test2 = withFile "/tmp/i.hs" (\q -> return q)
>we get
>    Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
>      Quantified type variable `mark' escapes
>    In the second argument of `withFile', namely `(\ q -> return q)'
>The following is OK: we perform the computation and return its result:
>>test3 = withFile "/etc/motd" (\q ->  (qGetChar q))
>If we attempt to return the unperformed computation itself:
>*> test4 = withFile "/tmp/i.hs" (\q ->  return (qGetChar q))
>we get
>    Could not deduce (IORegions.IN mark marks1)
>      from the context (IORegions.IN mark marks)
>      arising from use of `qGetChar' at IORegionsTest.h...
>As we said earlier, more than one handle can be at play at the same
>>reader2 q1 q2 = do
>>	   c1 <- qGetChar q1
>>	   c2 <- qGetChar q2
>>	   return [c1,c2]
>>test5 = withFile "/etc/motd" (\q1 -> 
>>			        withFile "/etc/motd" (\q2 -> reader2 q1 q2))
>>test5r = runIOM test5 >>= print
>Incidentally, the inferred type of reader2 is
>	*IORegionsTest> :t reader2
>	reader2 :: (Monad (IOM marks),
>		    IORegions.IN mark1 marks,
>		    IORegions.IN mark marks) =>
>		   Q mark -> Q mark1 -> IOM marks [Char]
>Obviously, the resulting computation is marked with the marks of both
>argument handles.
>With two handles, we can actually return a handle -- provided we
>return an outermost handle from the innermost region (but not the
>other way around). For example, the following is wrong
>*> test6 = withFile "/etc/motd" 
>*> 	    (\q2 -> 
>*> 	     do
>*> 	     q' <- withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return q)
>*> 	     qGetChar q')
>but the following is OK:
>>test7 = withFile "/etc/motd" 
>>	   (\q2 -> 
>>	    do
>>	    q' <- withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return q2)
>>	    qGetChar q')
>Ditto for the computation:
>The following is the improper leakage and leads to a type error:
>*> test8 = withFile "/etc/motd" 
>*> 	    (\q2 -> 
>*> 	     do
>*> 	     a <- withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return (qGetChar q))
>*> 	     a)
>But the following is fine:
>>test9 = withFile "/etc/motd" 
>>         (\q2 -> 
>>          do
>>          a <- withFile "/etc/motd" (\q -> return (qGetChar q2))
>>          a)
>>test9r = runIOM test9 >>= print
>-- The file IORegions.hs follows.
>{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
>-- Simple IO Regions
>module IORegions (runIOM, qGetChar, withFile, 
>		  -- Only types are exported, not their data constructors!
>		  Q, IOM) where
>import Control.Exception
>import System.IO
>-- The marked IO monad. The data constructor is not exported.
>-- The type 'marks' is purely phantom (and is never instantiated, actually)
>newtype IOM marks a = IOM (IO a) deriving Monad
>unIOM (IOM x) = x
>-- The marked IO handle. The data constructor is not exported.
>newtype Q mark = Q Handle
>-- |IN mark marks| asserts that |mark| is a member of the mark set |marks|
>-- The mark set is really a set, and the best of all, it's typechecker
>-- that maintains it. We don't need to do anything at all.
>class IN a b
>instance IN () b
>-- Reading from a marked handle. The mark must be within the marks
>-- associated with the IOM monad
>qGetChar :: (IN mark marks) => Q mark -> IOM marks Char
>qGetChar (Q h) = IOM $ hGetChar h
>-- There must not be an operation to close a marked handle!
>-- withFile takes care of opening and closing (and disposing) of 
>-- handles.
>-- Open the file, add the markset constraint for the duration of the body,
>-- and make sure the marked handle does not escape.
>-- The marked handle is closed on normal or abnormal exit from the
>-- body
>-- The type system guarantees the strong lexical scoping of
>-- withFile. That is, we can assuredly close all the handles after
>-- we leave withFile because we are assured that no computations with
>-- marked handles can occur after we leave withFile.
>withFile :: FilePath -> (forall mark. IN mark marks => Q mark -> IOM marks a)
>	 -> IOM marks a
>withFile filename proc = 
> IOM(
>     bracket
>     (openFile filename ReadMode)
>     (hClose)
>     (\handle -> unIOM $ proc ((Q handle) :: Q ())))
>-- Running the IOM monad
>runIOM :: (forall mark. IOM mark a) -> IO a
>runIOM = unIOM
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