[Haskell] A collection of related proposals regarding monads

ajb at spamcop.net ajb at spamcop.net
Wed Jan 4 16:30:47 EST 2006

G'day Cale.

Quoting Cale Gibbard <cgibbard at gmail.com>:

> I personally feel that the inclusion of 'fail' in the Monad class is
> an ugly solution to the problem of pattern matching, and gives the
> incorrect impression that monads should have some builtin notion of
> failure.

So do I.

> We ought to be using MonadZero when we want to express failure, but it's
> gone!

I agree!

> What do people think of the following proposal?

I don't like it.

My feeling is that do { p <- xs; return e } should behave identically
(modulo the precise error message if the pattern match fails) to
map (\p -> e) xs.  Your proposal would make it into a map/filter

Speaking more practically, if a pattern match is technically refutable,
but I, as the programmer, intend it never to fail, then I shouldn't need
to use MonadZero.

I don't like fail either, but I must admit that I like allowing refutable

> Thus, refutable pattern matches occuring in a do-expression would
> force the expression to be typed explicitly with MonadZero. This is
> probably a good thing, as it forces one to think about the
> consequences of not properly dealing with a pattern match in any monad
> which doesn't explicitly allow for failure.

Surely this is no different from not properly dealing with a pattern match
in a case statement?

> Even if this translation of do-syntax isn't accepted, I still think
> that we should have a separate MonadZero.

I agree.  I miss MonadZero.

> I'd also like to see the current use of MonadPlus split into MonadElse
> (or MonadOr) and MonadPlus, [...]

I agree, but I think such a proposal shouldn't be considered in isolation
from standardising some MTL-like library.

> Lastly, it would be nice to have some standard name for the function:
> option :: (MonadPlus m) => [a] -> m a
> option = foldr (mplus . return) mzero
> which seems to come up quite a bit in my experience with nondet monads.

I liked Oleg's suggestion: "choose", since it's the realisation of the
axiom of choice.  Though possible "mchoose" might be more appropriate.
Even more appropriate might be to rationalise some of these naming

Andrew Bromage

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