[Haskell] Can anyone help me with partition numbers?
Salvador Lucas
slucas at dsic.upv.es
Fri Nov 25 05:39:29 EST 2005
This does not work properly:
Main> generate 5
You need to add something else:
parts 0 = [[]]
parts n = [m:p | m<-[1..n], p<-parts (n-m), (null p || m<=head p)]
Main> parts 5
Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
> Or (since we started to do someone's homework anyway)
> generate 0 = [[]]
> generate n = [x:rest | x <- [1..n], rest <- generate (n-x)]
> Doaitse Swierstra
> On 2005 nov 25, at 10:29, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 05:52:23PM +0100, Jan van Eijck wrote:
>>> Like so:
>>> generatePs :: (Int,[Int]) -> [[Int]]
>>> generatePs (n,[]) = [take n (repeat 1)]
>>> generatePs (n,(x:xs)) =
>>> (take n (repeat 1) ++ (x:xs)) : generatePs (pack (x-1) ((n
>>> +x),xs))
>>> where
>>> pack :: Int -> (Int,[Int]) ->(Int,[Int])
>>> pack 1 (m,xs) = (m,xs)
>>> pack k (m,xs) = if k > m then pack (k-1) (m,xs)
>>> else pack k (m-k,k:xs)
>>> parts :: Int -> [[Int]]
>>> parts n | n < 1 = error "part: argument <= 0"
>>> | n == 1 = [[1]]
>>> | otherwise = generatePs (0,[n])
>> How about a shorter version?
>> part :: Integer -> [[Integer]]
>> part = gen 1
>> where
>> gen m 0 = [[]]
>> gen m n = [ x:xs | x <- [m..n], xs <- gen x (n - x) ]
>> Best regards
>> Tomasz
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