[Haskell] why don't we have const Ptrs?
Daan Leijen
daan at cs.uu.nl
Wed Nov 2 10:27:03 EST 2005
Hi David,
> One could pretty easily create a ConstPtr type which one could peek into,
> but not poke to, but then you'd have to explicitely convert a Ptr into a
> ConstPtr when passing it as an argument. That feels a bit silly.
One way of dealing with constant pointer is to introduce (yet another)
phantom type variable 'r' to pointers:
data Ptr r a = ...
and introduce a read access hierarchy:
data Read a
data Write
A constant pointer has type "Ptr (Read ()) a"
A normal pointer has type "Ptr (Read Write) a"
At least read pointer "Ptr (Read r) a"
And a 'don't care' pointer "Ptr r a
peek :: Ptr (Read r) a -> IO a
poke :: Ptr (Read Write) a -> a -> IO ()
alloc:: IO (Ptr (Read Write) a)
So, the type signature for strcat is:
foreign import strcat :: Ptr (Read Write) CChar -> Ptr (Read a) CChar -> IO ()
And we can derive the "const" attribute too:
data FooPtr r = FooPtr String (Ptr r Foo)
Since the read-write restrictions of "Ptr" carry over to "FooPtr".
The design can be refined since four kinds of pointers is a bit too much.
We could use for example:
type Const = ()
data Write
and say:
"Ptr Const a" == constant pointer
"Ptr Write a" == read-write pointer
"Ptr r a" == at least readable
And strcat would be:
foreign import strcat :: Ptr Write CChar -> Ptr r CChar -> IO ()
and we would have:
constantMalloc :: (Ptr Write a -> IO ()) -> Ptr Const a
malloc :: Ptr Write a
peek :: Ptr r a -> IO a
poke :: Ptr Write a -> a -> IO ()
So, this is another solution, although I am not sure if it is worth the
trouble making the distinction between normal and constant pointers.
All the best,
-- Daan.
David Roundy wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was thinking this morning as I lay on the floor (where I sleep) about
> static typechecking, and how much more wonderful Haskell is than any other
> language, when it occurred to me that when working with pointers, Haskell
> actually has *less* static typechecking than C or C++. It was a very
> disturbing thought, so much so that I was almost compelled to arise early
> to place this question before this learned audience.
> Why is it that in C++ I can write
> void strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
> but in Haskell I must import this function as
>> foreign import ccall unsafe "static string.h strcpy"
>> strcpy :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
> and lose that wonderful information that the function doesn't modify the
> contents of its second argument?
> One could pretty easily create a ConstPtr type which one could peek into,
> but not poke to, but then you'd have to explicitely convert a Ptr into a
> ConstPtr when passing it as an argument. That feels a bit silly.
> One could get around this by introducing a class to get around this
>> class ReadablePtr p where
>> peek :: p a -> IO a
>> peekOff ...
> and then make both Ptr and ConstPtr instances of this class, but this still
> seems like a very hackish solution.
> Moreover, I'd like to be able to have const objects quite apart from Ptrs,
> such as a const Handle, which I can read from, but cannot write to, or a
> const IORef--and we wouldn't want to leave out const ForeignPtrs. Of
> course, even reading affects a Handle's internal state, so one would need
> to be explicit about what "const" indicates. But it seems to me that in
> the IO world there are a whole slew of "things that refer to other things"
> which could all be grouped together.
> And a "const" attribute ought to be derived, so that if I create a data
> type
>> data FooPtr = FooPtr String (Ptr Foo)
> one should ideally be able to automatically understand that a const FooPtr
> holds a const (Ptr Foo).
> One could go further, at least when dealing with Ptrs, and create a way of
> handling "restricted" pointers--which we could interpret as a const pointer
> to an object that cannot be changed by anyone else either. One could
> safely create restricted pointers with a function of the type
>> mallocRestrictedPtr :: (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> RestrictedPtr a
> which would allow one to ensure at the typechecking level that
> RestrictedPtrs point to memory that cannot be modified. There's still some
> unstafety involved, in that you could read out of bounds, but you would
> know that apart from that possibility the contents of a RestrictedPtr truly
> will never change.
> So my question is, how would one implement such an "annotation" extension?
> I'd like to be able to pass a (Ptr a) as a (Const (Ptr a)) without an
> explicit typecast, since the Const really isn't changing the type of the
> pointer, it's just marking it as one that can't be modified. A function
> that accepts a (Const (Ptr a)) should also accept a (Restricted (Ptr
> a))--but Restricted pointers are really just pudding, as they only differ
> from Const pointers in what optimizations are allowed. On the other hand,
> it's not just compiler optimizations that they would allow, but also
> user-code optimizations, which could be much more useful. They also have
> the advantage of making certain unsafe functions safe.
> The hard part seems to be the lack of a conversion. One could quite easily
> implement a
>> data Const a = Const a -- this constructor is *not exported*
>> toConst :: x -> Const x
>> unsafeAccessConst :: Const x -> x
>> peek :: Const (Ptr a) -> IO a
>> peekOff ...
> etc, and everything would work fine, except that you'd always need to
> explicitely convert from Ptr to Const Ptr. Perhaps one could make Const be
> a class as well as a data type:
>> class (Const a) x where
>> toConst :: x -> Const a
>> instance (Const x) x where
>> toConst = Const
>> instance (Const x) (Const x) where
>> toConst = id
> and then one could write code like
>> peek :: Const (cp a) => cp a -> IO a
> which would move the typecasting burden out of the calling function and
> into the function that accepts a const argument. Perhaps this would be
> sufficient, as many data types have only a limited number of "primitive
> const" functions, and all the other "const" functions wouldn't actually
> need to call toConst.
> What this doesn't allow is deriving of constness, so that a Const
> ForeignPtr would automatically hold a Const Ptr.
> This whole class+data type scheme seems like it might be useful, but is
> pretty ugly. Is there a better way this could be done?
> Might one be able to extend the language so that one could add "attribute"
> such as Const to data type without changing the the type itself (which
> would be analogous to what one does in C/C++)?
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