[Haskell] ICLP 2005: Call for Papers

ICLP 2005 iclp2005 at iiia.csic.es
Thu Mar 31 03:10:13 EST 2005

 Apologies if you receive multiple copies

                       Preliminary Call for Papers

    Twenty first International Conference on Logic Programming

                          2-5 October, 2004
                      Sitges (Barcelona) Spain

          Co-located with the International Conference on
     Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'05)


The Conference

The 21st  International Conference on  Logic Programming will  be held
near Barcelona (Spain) from October  2nd to October 5th, 2005. ICLP'05
will be colocated  with the International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'05).

Conference scope

Since the first  conference held in Marseilles in  1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference  for presenting research in logic
programming.  Contributions (papers  and  posters) are  sought in  all
areas of logic programming including but not restricted to:

       Theory                       Implementation

   Semantic Foundations          Compilation
   Formalisms                    Memory Management
   Nonmonotonic Reasoning        Virtual Machines
   Knowledge Representation      Parallelism

      Environments                 Alternative Paradigms

   Program Analysis              Constraint Logic Programming
   Program Transformation        Abductive Logic Programming
   Validation and Verification   Inductive Logic Programming
   Debugging, Profiling          Answer Set Programming

      Language Issues                Applications

   Concurrency                   Semantic Web
   Objects                       Software Engineering
   Coordination                  Web Tools
   Mobility                      Internet Agents
   Higher Order                  Artificial Intelligence
   Types                         Deductive Databases
   Modes                         Natural Language
   Programming Techniques

Specific attention will be  given to work providing novel integrations
of these different areas, and to new applications of logic programming
in  general. Contributions on  applications will  be assessed  with an
emphasis on their  impact and synergy with other  areas, as opposed to
technical maturity. Applications of  logic programming to the Semantic
Web are especially encouraged.

The technical program will  include several invited talks and advanced
tutorials, in addition to the presentations of the accepted papers and
posters.  A  special  session  on  industrial  applications  of  logic
programming  is also  planned and  several workshops  will be  held in
parallel with the  conference. For the first time,  a doctoral student
consortium will be organized as part of ICLP.


Papers  must describe original,  previously unpublished  research, and
must not  be simultaneously submitted for  publication elsewhere. They
must be  written in English and  not exceed 15 pages  in Springer LNCS
format.  The  authors are encouraged, although not  obliged, to submit
their  papers already  in  Springer LNCS  format. General  information
about the Springer LNCS series  and the LNCS authors' instructions are
available     at     the      Springer     LNCS/LNAI     home     page

Papers should express their  contribution clearly, both in general and
technical terms.  It is essential  to identify what  was accomplished,
describe its significance, and explain how the paper compares with and
advances previous work.  Authors should make every effort  to make the
technical content understandable to a broad audience.

The primary means of submission  will be electronic, in pdf format. If
electronic submission is not possible, five hard copies should be sent
to one  of the program  co-chairs. More information on  the submission
procedure will be available at http://www.utdallas.edu/ICLP05

Industrial Papers

A special  session on industrial applications of  logic programming is
also planned  during the conference.  Papers accepted in  this session
will  describe   innovative  applications  of   logic  programming  to
industrial problems.  The application's innovativeness  and industrial
impact will  be the main criteria  used for judging  the paper. Papers
accepted  for this  session will  be published  in the  proceedings as
shorter,(up to) 10 pages papers.


Posters  provide  a forum  for  presenting  work  in an  informal  and
interactive setting.   They are ideal for discussing  current work not
yet  ready for  publication,  for PhD  thesis  summaries and  research
project overviews.   Accepted posters will  also get a 10  minute slot
for presentation  during the conference.  Extended  abstract (2 pages)
of each accepted poster will be published in the proceedings.

Posters  must be  submitted  electronically. More  information on  the
submission       procedure       will       be      available       at

Doctoral Student Consortium

The  Doctoral  Consortium will  provide  an  opportunity for  students
pursuing their doctoral thesis  in logic programming and related areas
to explore their  research interests under the guidance  of a panel of
distinguished experts in the  field. The Doctoral Consortium will also
offer  invited speakers  and discussion  groups.  The  Consortium will
allow participants  to interact with established  researchers and with
other students, through presentations, question-answer sessions, panel
discussions, and invited presentations.

A  separate call-for-participation  will  be issued  for the  doctoral
consortium. About 6 to 8 students will be selected for the consortium.
Selected  students will  also  present their  research  in the  poster
session.  The  abstract  of  the  poster  will  be  published  in  the
conference proceedings. Financial support for selected students may be


The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNCS  series. The proceedings will include  the accepted papers
and the abstracts of accepted posters.

Sponsoring and prizes

The conference is sponsored  by the Association for Logic Programming.
The ALP has funds to assist financially disadvantaged participants.

The ALP  is planning to sponsor  two prizes for ICLP'05:  for the best
technical paper and for the best application paper.

Important dates
                                   POSTERS            PAPERS

  Abstract submission deadline:                       30 April
  Submission deadline:             1 June              6 May
  Notification of authors:         1 July             24 June
  Camera-ready copy due:          15 July             15 July


Conference Co-Chairs:      Pedro Meseguer (IIIA-CSIC, Spain)
                           Javier Larrosa (Technical University of
Catalonia, Spain)

Program Co-Chairs:         Maurizio Gabbrielli (University of Bologna, Italy)
                           Gopal Gupta (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)

Workshop Chair:            Hai-Feng Guo (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)

Doctoral Consortium Chair: Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University, USA)

Publicity Chair:           Felip Manya (IIIA-CSIC, Spain)

Program Committee:

Roberto Bagnara            University of Parma, Italy
Maurice Bruynooghe         KU Leuven, Belgium
Giorgio Delzanno           University of Genova, Italy
Stefan Decker              Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
Thom Fruehwirth            University of Ulm, Germany
Maurizio Gabbrielli        University of Bologna, Italy (Program Co-Chair)
Gopal Gupta                University of Texas at Dallas, USA (Program
Patricia Hill              University of Leeds, UK
Joxan Jaffar               University of Singapore, Singapore
Bharat Jayaraman           SUNY Buffalo, USA
Javier Larrosa             Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
(Conference Co-Chair)
Michael Leuschel           University of Dusseldorf, Germany
Massimo Marchiori          University of Venice, Italy and W3C, MIT, USA
Pedro Meseguer             IIIA-CSIC, Spain (Conference Co-Chair)
Juan J. Moreno Navarro     Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Gopalan Nadathur           University of Minnesota, USA
Ilkka Niemela              Helsinki U. of Tech. Finland
Catuscia Palamidessi       INRIA, France
Enrico Pontelli            New Mexico State Univeristy, USA
I.V. Ramakrishnan          SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Vitor Santos Costa         Federal U. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Harald Sondergaard         University of Melbourne, Australia
Peter Stuckey              University of Melbourne, Australia
Frank Valencia             University of Uppsala, Sweden

Contact addresses

Conference Chairs:

Pedro Meseguer                     Javier Larrosa
IIIA-CSIC                          Dep. LSI, UPC
Campus UAB                         Jordi Girona 1-3
08193 Bellaterra, Spain            08034 Barcelona, Spain

Program Co-chairs: iclp05-chairs at cs.unibo.it

Maurizio Gabbrielli                Gopal Gupta
Department of Computer Science     Department of Computer Sciences MS EC31
University of Bologna              The University of Texas at Dallas
Mura A. Zamboni 7                  2601 N. Floyd Rd
40127 Bologna, Italy               Richardson, TX 78050, USA

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