[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: HWSProxyGen version 0.1

Andre W B Furtado andrewilsonfurtado at yahoo.com.br
Sun Mar 27 23:23:18 EST 2005

We are glad to present version 0.1 of HWSProxyGen, a web services proxy
generator for the Haskell functional language, implemented in Haskell and
C#. The final purpose is to show that Haskell and functional languages in
general can be used as a viable way to the implementation of distributed
components and applications, interacting with services implemented in
different languages and/or platforms.

Plese note that this first version is guaranteed to work only for web
services generated with Visual Studio .NET. Binaries, source code and more
information can be found in:


HWSProxyGen was conceived and implemented in the Informatics Center of the
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, by:

- Andre W. B. Furtado
- Andre L. M. Santos
- Carlos A. G. Ferraz
- Gustavo A. Santos
- Adeline S. Silva
- Carla M. P. Nascimento

-- AFurtado

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