[Haskell] WRS05: Program and Call For Participation

Roberto Di Cosmo roberto at dicosmo.org
Wed Mar 16 11:32:20 EST 2005


                  5th International Workshop on
         Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming

                 Nara, Japan      April 22nd, 2005
                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

          *** Early Registration Deadline: 31 March 2005 ***



  Invited Speakers:

 Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST, Japan),  
 Proof Score Method in CafeOBJ

 Hongwei Xi (Boston University, USA),
 Implmenting an evaluator for mini-ML in ATS: a case study of
 combining programming with theorem proving

  Accepted Papers:

 Vincent van Oostrom,
 Delimiting diagrams

 Toshiyasu Arai and Georg Moser,
 Tired Recursion and Strategies

 Salvador Lucas,
 A Note on Completeness of Conditional Context-Sensitive Rewriting

 Jeroen Ketema, Jan Willem Klop, Vincent van Oostrom,
 Vicious Circles in Rewriting Systems

 Pierre Valarcher,
 Call by name vs call by value in primitive recursion: storage operator

 Roberto Di Cosmo
 Laboratoire PPS -  Universite Paris 7, France

 Yoshihito Toyama
 Tohoku University, Japan


			       RDP 2005

     Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction and Programming

      RTA'05 - TLCA'05 - RULE'05 - UNIF'05 - WRS'05 - IFIP WG1.6

		    18-23 April 2005, Nara, Japan



	  *** Early Registration Deadline: 31 March 2005 ***


We are happy to announce that the registration and hotel reservation
procedures for attending RDP 2005 are open now.  
Please follow the link to the registration page from the RDP'05 top
page (http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/rdp05/) to complete your
registration. There also are links to web pages providing some travel
and local information. 

Please remember that the number of hotel rooms is limited. Requests
will be processed on a first come first served basis and will be
subject to availability.

RDP'05 will take place at the Nara-Ken New Public Hall which is
located in the centre of the beautiful Nara National Park, within 20
minutes walk from the Kintestu Nara Station. 


 RTA'05	 	19-21 April	http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/RTA05/
 TLCA'05 	21-23 April	http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/rdp05/tlca/
 RULE'05 	23 April	http://rule2005.loria.fr/
 UNIF'05 	22 April	http://rewriting.loria.fr/UNIF-2005/
 WRS'05	 	22 April	http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/%7Edicosmo/WRS05/
 IFIP WG1.6	18 April 	http://rewriting.loria.fr/IFIP-WG1.6/

 Conference Dinner is scheduled on 21 April.


 Masahito Hasegawa (RDP organizing co-chair, TLCA organizing committee chair)
 Hitoshi Ohsaki (RDP organizing co-chair, RTA conference chair)


 Enquiries should be sent to the organizers <rdp05 at m.aist.go.jp>.


 RDP website:	http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/rdp05/


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