[Haskell] announce: wxhaskell 0.9

Daan Leijen daan at cs.uu.nl
Mon Mar 14 07:16:44 EST 2005

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

>On Friday 25 February 2005 19:14, Daan Leijen wrote:
>>Announcement: wxHaskell version 0.9
>Could you (or anyone else) please give me a summary on how exactly I have to 
>patch the makefile[.lib] so that I can compile this ghc-6.4? I found the 
>discussion a bit confusing, because there were so many different issues...
Hi Ben,

I am working on a fresh release of wxHaskell that can be used with ghc 
6.4. As you know,
there are some issues with the changed dependency output of ghc6.4 that 
are not  quite
trivially solved.

If you can't wait for the new release, try to contact Georg Martius who 
has succeeded
compiling it with a pre-release of ghc 6.4.

All the best,

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>Haskell at haskell.org

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