[Haskell] Files and lazyness

Diego y tal deigote at tiscali.es
Thu Jul 28 14:01:17 EDT 2005

I was developing a web site using haskell programs as cgi's, and I found 
a strange behavior that I would like to know whether it is normal. I 
have reduced the "problem" to the next program:

fEntrada = "fich.txt"
fSalida = "fich.txt"

creaFich :: IO()
creaFich = writeFile fEntrada "me molo"

main :: IO ()
main = do x <- readFile fEntrada
--          print x -- In the second try, uncomment this line
          writeFile fSalida ""
          writeFile fSalida x

Running the next commands (suposing that $ is the prompt of a linux 
shell and main> is the prompt of hugs)

main> creaFich
main> main
$ cat fich.txt

will give us different results if we comment or uncomment the second 
line of the main body, although the meaning of the program is the same. 
I understand that this is caused by the lazyness, that doesn't evaluate 
the expression "x <- readFile fEntrada" until it's necessary, but.. is 
it normal that we have to think about this "problem" when programming? 
In my case, this behavior caused my program to fail (and it was really 
complicated to find why) and the only solution I found was indeed 
printing to a scratch file the string I was reading inmediatly after 
reading it (really, after telling hugs to read it). I find this a great 
disadvantage as oppose of the imperative paradigm, overall because is 
like having to control something (near to concurrence if you ask me) 
that has not been asked for! I 'll be thankful of any comments or 
replies you send to me.

Greetings, Diego y tal <deigote at gmail.com>

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