[Haskell] Rebindable syntax for monads and arrows

Amr A Sabry sabry at cs.indiana.edu
Fri Jan 7 11:53:17 EST 2005

Greetings all,

This message is a sort of a poll to find out how much interest the community
has in an implementation of rebindable syntax for monads and arrows. You can
send your answers directly to me (sabry ... indiana edu) and I will summarize
to the list if appropriate.

An example using monads

The type Vec below is almost a monad:
- the operations vreturn and @>>= are almost of the right type 
  (they have an additional constraint FinSet a =>)
- the operations vreturn and @>>= satisfy the monad laws 

  class Eq a => FinSet a where enumerate :: [a]

  newtype Vec a = Vec (a -> Float)
  unV (Vec f) = f

  vreturn :: FinSet a => a -> Vec a
  vreturn a = Vec (\ b -> if a==b then 1 else 0)

  (@>>=) :: FinSet a => Vec a -> (a -> Vec b) -> Vec b
  (Vec va) @>>= f = Vec (\ b -> sum [ (va a) * (unV (f a) b) | 
                                      a <- enumerate])

Because of the additional type constraint (FinSet a =>) we cannot make the
type Vec an instance of the class Monad, and hence we cannot use the
do-notation to express our computations.

Question I

Do you have other examples, where you wished you could define instances of
the class Monad with operations whose types are more constrained than
required? Or more generally do you feel that allowing such a behavior is

Question II

Arguably the do-notation for monadic computations is nice but the overhead of
writing using explicit combinators is not that bad. The situation for arrows
is quite different: the syntactic sugar for arrows is almost essential and it
often expands into something you _do_not_want_to_write_

So, do you have examples, where you wished you could define instances of the
class Arrow with operations whose types are more constrained than required?


Thanks for your feedback. 

Amr Sabry (based on discussions with Peter Gammie, Ross Patterson, Simon
Peyton Jones, and Josef Svenningsson)

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