[Haskell] A few newbie questions about tracing/debugging and order of execution

Hunter Kelly retnuh at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 06:10:10 EST 2005

Heya, I decided to play around with Haskell and see what it's like.
I used a small problem to explore it.  Basically, given two words,
find the least number of 1 letter changes that will go from one
word to the other (e.g.  for "fig" and "dog" either fig -> fog -> dog  or
fig -> dig -> dog).

I came up with a solution, but I have to say it was quite difficult to
get any debugging information, and when I did, the result was fairly

Here's the out put I got:

dagger:~/stuff$ ./figt /usr/share/dic/twords fig dog
Word: dog

Word: dig
        visited: ["big","fig"]

Word: fig
        visited: []

fig -> dig -> dog

The first thing I found surprising was that the debug output comes in
the "reverse" order - I would have expected it to be the output for
fig, then dig, then dog.

Secondly, I'm not entirely sure why I only got output for the
statements along the "solution" path.  If I try a combination that has
no solution, I get no output at all.

I got the program working, and I'm quite intrigued, but I figure it's
probably important to figure out why the above things happen...

I'm using GHC 6.4.1, but I get the same thing if I use runhugs.


--------- figt.hs --------------

import System
import System.IO
import Data.Set
import Debug.Trace

type Word = String
data Path = None | Path Word Path

instance Show Path where
  showsPrec _ path = showsPath path
    showsPath :: Path -> ShowS
    showsPath None = ("<None>"++)
    showsPath (Path w None) = (w ++)
    showsPath (Path w p) = (showsPath p) . ((" -> " ++ w)++)

findPath :: Word -> Word -> Set String -> Path
findPath orig target allWords =
    let gen = singleton orig
    in iteratePath [(Path orig None)] gen []
      iteratePath :: [Path] -> Set String -> [String] -> Path
      iteratePath [] _ _ = None
      iteratePath (None: _) _ _ = None
      iteratePath (fullPath@(Path w _):remain) generated visited =
              allPossibilities = findPossibleWords w
              existant = Prelude.filter (\p -> member p allWords)
              new = Prelude.filter (\e -> not (member e generated)) existant
              marked = foldl (\x y -> insert y x) generated new
              thingum = trace ("Word: " ++ w ++ "\n\tvisited: " ++
(show visited) ++ "\n") fullPath
              todo = remain ++ Prelude.map (\u -> (Path u thingum)) new
          in if target == w
             then thingum
             else if length todo > 0 then iteratePath todo marked (w:visited)
                  else None

findPossibleWords :: String -> [String]
findPossibleWords word = concatMap enumChars (splits)
    where enumChars (prefix, _:cs) = Prelude.map (\c -> prefix ++ [c]
++ cs) ['a'..'z']
          splits = Prelude.map (\x -> splitAt x word) [0..((length word) -1)]

findAllWordsSizeN :: String -> Int -> Set String
findAllWordsSizeN content wordLength =
    fromDistinctAscList (Prelude.filter (\x -> wordLength == (length
x)) (lines content))

main :: IO ()
main = do [wordsFile, orig, target] <- getArgs
          contents <- readFile wordsFile
          allWordsSizeN <- (return (findAllWordsSizeN contents (length orig)))
          putStrLn (show (findPath orig target allWordsSizeN ))

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