[Haskell] Post-Doc offers at Inria

Luc Maranget luc.maranget at inria.fr
Fri Apr 8 14:08:59 EDT 2005


The moscova team at Inria Rocquencourt offers two Post-Doc positions.
One is haskell-related (I also include the second offer,
has  little connection with Haskell).

Candidates should hold a doctorate or Ph.D. for less than one year or
be about to obtain one (ie, before September 1, 2005)
Aplication deadline is April 22 (position starting in September).

More information on the adminsitrative nature of the offer is available at

As regards scientific matters, we offer two subjects.
Interested candidates are invited to consult the web pages specified in
the following abstracts for additional information, and to contact us.

--Luc Maranget

Pattern Matching Warnings for Haskell

Since Ocaml 1.05, Ocaml features an efficient
and complete detection algorithm for pattern-matching anomalies such
as useless match clauses and non-exhautive matchings. The
corresponding theory is described in
http://pauillac.inria.fr/~maranget/papers/warn.ps It also handles
disjunctive patterns, without exponential explosion in practice.

The post-doctorant will implement the detection algorithm in, for
instance, GHC. She or he will demonstrate and document the work in
order to make it available in a standard Haskell release.



Jocaml is an extension of Ocaml based on the Join-calculus,
see http://join.inria.fr. There are already two releases of the
Join-calculus and Jocaml. A third version, simplified and better
integrated to the Ocaml compiler, is under development. It remains to
implement remote communication in distributed settings, which
represents a good third of the whole Jocaml implementation. As a final
result, we want to get a release of Jocaml, accessible on the web and
compatible with successive releases of Ocaml.


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